Plenary highlights

  1. The Sitting, presided over by the Rt. Hon. Speaker, Anita Annet Among, commenced at 2:00 p.m.
  2. In her communication, the Speaker:
  1. Pursuant to Rule 114, reminded Ministers to communicate to the Speaker, their absence from the House. She urged the Committee on Appointments to take into account the attendance of Ministers in the House while vetting Presidential appointees for ministerial positions.
  2. Undertook to present to the Prime Minister, the attendance of Ministers in the House.
  3. Guided that committee activities would stand suspended during the recess period of 7th to 28th September 2023.
  1. The Hon. Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Hon. Matia Kasaija, undertook to liaise with the Prisons Department to have seedlings delivered to the respective constituencies in time for the current planting season.
  2. The Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Mathias Mpuuga, tabled the consolidated plenary follow-up issues that were not acted upon by the Executive as at August 2023, and urged that they should be responded to. 
  3. The following urgent questions were raised:
  • On the arrest of people in Busembatia along the railway line, and the requirement for bond fees as a condition for their release. (Raised by Hon. Geoffrey Eric Mutiwa, Bunyole West).

The Minister of Works and Transport, Hon. Gen. Katumba Wamala, responded to the matter.

  • On the effects of the heavy downpour that occurred on Tuesday 6th September 2023 in Bukomansimbi District, which led to the destruction of houses and crops, and the displacement of people; and the need for relief for those affected in terms of food, provision of iron sheets, and clothing. (Raised by Hon. Christine Ndiwalana Nandagire, Bukomasimbi North).

The Third Deputy Prime Minister and Minister without Portfolio, Hon. Rukia Nakadama, undertook to have the matter handled.

  • On the eight-year long undertaking by the Minister of Local Government to upgrade markets in Kiryandongo, and the need to have the annual renewal of management of markets changed to provide for a longer period of at least three years, through Memoranda of Understanding. (Raised by Hon. Linos Ngompek Lino, Kibanda North).

The Minister of Local Government, Hon. Raphael Magyezi, undertook to have the matter handled.

  • On the fraudulent transfer of titles for land in Buruli Block 5, Plot 39 at Kayanja, situated in Nyangahya Division in Masindi Municipality; and the need for cancelation of the titles that had already been transferred, and an investigation into the matter. (Raised by Hon. Joab Businge, Masindi Munincipality).

The Minister of Local Government, Hon. Raphael Magyezi, undertook to follow up the matter; and the Minister of State for Education and Sports (Higher Education), Hon. John Chrysostom Muyingo, undertook to investigate the matter and report back to the House.

  • On the failure by UMEME to comply with the concession agreement with Government that addressed irregular high tariffs, lack of investments and servicing of power lines, resulting in power outages and blackouts in Soroti District and the Eastern Region in general; and the need for an explanation from Government on the action taken to ameliorate the problem. (Raised by Hon. Herbert Edmund Ariko, Soroti Municipality).

The Minister of State for Energy and Minerals Development (Energy), Hon. Sidronius Opolot Okasai, informed the House that the intermittent supply was due to vandalism of the power lines in Eastern and Northern Uganda.

  • On the criminal attack that occurred in Apaa, on Wednesday 30th August 2023, in which four people were killed, eight injured, and houses burned; the failure by the security in the area to respond to prior information on the attackers; and the need to revisit the decision taken by Parliament in 2002 on the matter. (Raised by Hon. Lucy Akello Lucy, DWR-Amuru).

The Minister of State for Defence and Veteran Affairs (Defence), Hon. Jacob Marksons Oboth, undertook to have the lives of people in Apaa secured, as Government undertakes to have the conflict resolved.

  • On the grabbing of land in Soroti District by Piligrim Africa, belonging to Soroti Golf Course, measuring 409 acres, and that of Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (UBC); and the failure by the Attorney General to report back to the House on the matter as directed. (Raised by Hon. Jonathan Ebwalu Jonathan, Soroti West Division).

The Speaker directed the Committee on Physical Infrastructure to inquire into the matter, and report their findings to the House.

  • On the issuance of land titles in a forest reserve in Bunya that was yet to be degazetted. (Raised by Hon. Iddi Isabirye, Bunya South)

The Speaker directed that the transfer of public land to individuals should be halted, and that the Committee on Physical Infrastructure should inquire into the matter.

  • On the opening of some schools for the third term in disregard of the school calendar communicated by the Ministry of Education and Sports. (Raised by Hon. Sarah Achieng Opendi, DWR-Tororo).

The Minister of State for Education and Sports (Sports), Hon. Peter Ogwang, tabled the Ministry’s school calendar and the guidelines which were issued to all stakeholders.

  • The House adopted the following reports:
  • Report of the Public Accounts Committee (Central Government) on the Report of the Auditor General on National/Regional Referral Hospitals and other Specialized Health Votes for the Year Ended 30th June 2022.
  • The Consolidated Report of the Public Accounts Committee (Central Government) on the Report of the Auditor General for the Year Ended 30th June 2022, covering 14 Votes.
  • Report of the Committee on Public Service and Local Government on the functionality and service delivery in Local Governments, specifically in the ten cities and the districts they were carved from.

The Speaker directed that:

  • Treasury memoranda on the reports should be presented to the House within six months.
  • The Prime Minister should investigate the matter of the Ushs.9,662,236,680 expenditure for the uptake of coffee under the Office of the Prime Minister, and report back to the House upon resumption from the recess.
  1. The Speaker adjourned the House at 7:55 p.m. sine die.
  1. The Sitting, presided over by the Rt. Hon. Speaker, Anita Annet Among, commenced at 2:00 p.m.
  2. In her communication, the Speaker expressed disappointment over the absence of Members of the Executive in the House, who were required to respond to matters raised by Members. She undertook to have an interaction with the Executive to resolve the matter of their attendance in the House.

The Speaker adjourned the House at 2:05 p.m. to Thursday 7th September 2023 at 2.00 p.m.

  1. The Sitting, presided over by the Rt. Hon. Speaker, Anita Annet Among, commenced at 2:00 p.m.
  2. In her communication, the Speaker:
  1. commended the security agencies for their vigilance in foiling the recent attempted terror attacks on Uganda, especially within Kampala City, and urged Members and the general public to remain vigilant and always collaborate with security.
  2. in the spirit of the East African Community, congratulated the South Sudan National Men’s Basketball Team, the Bright Stars, for their qualification for the 2024 Olympics in Paris, France.
  3. informed the House that the Plenary Sitting of Thursday 7th September 2023 would be dedicated to matters of national importance raised by Members, and guided that the Ministers will be required to be present to respond to issues raised.
  4. guided that the matter of killings in Apaa that took place on Friday 1st September 2023, and related matters, would be responded to by the Minister for Internal Affairs on Thursday 7th September 2023.
  5. indicated that the House would recess on Friday 8th September 2023 till 28th September 2023, to afford members time to monitor the implementation of Government programmes in their constituencies.
  6. directed that the report on unspent balances by the Committee on Finance, Planning and Economic Development would be presented on Wednesday 6th September 2023.
  7. directed the Clerk to request for the submission to Parliament of the report on the Treasury Memorandum referred to the Auditor General.
  1. In reaction to the communication from the Chair:
  1. Hon. Jonathan Ebwalu (Soroti West Division, Soroti City) rose on the need for an update, by the Minister of Defence and Veteran Affairs, on the state of security in the country in light of the threats of terror attacks.
  2. Hon. Abed Bwanika (Kimaanya-Kabonera Division, Masaka City) rose on the need for safety and security guidelines by Government, given the current threats of terror attacks.
  3. Hon. Alex Ruhunda (Fort Portal Central Division, Fort Portal City) rose on the need for sensitive handling of threats of terror attacks, which may affect the economy, especially the tourism sector.
  4. Hon. Henry Maurice Kibalya (Bugabula South) rose on the need to facilitate police posts at lower levels of police administration with the necessary facilitation to detect and report threats of terror attacks.
  5. Hon. Geofrey Macho (Busia Municipality) rose on the need for enhancing security deployment at border points to screen persons entering Uganda.

The Speaker directed that an update on threats of terror attacks should be presented to the House on Wednesday 6th September 2023.

  1. Hon.  Sarah Achieng Opendi (DWR, Tororo) raised concern over the schools that had opened and/or were planning to open for the third term in disregard of the school calendar communicated by the Ministry of Education and Sports.

The Speaker guided that the Minister of Education and Sports should present a report on the matter, on Thursday 7th September 2023.

  1. The following statements were presented by Ministers:
  1. On the spike in the pump prices of fuel; by the Minister of State for Energy and Mineral Development (Energy), Hon. Sidronius Opolot Okasai. 

The Speaker deferred debate on the statement to Wednesday 6th September 2023, alongside the debate on the report of the Committee on Government Assurances on Government assurances to stabilize fuel prices.

  1. On the high cost of school fees in some public schools and tertiary institutions, and attendant regulations; by the Minister of State for Education and Sports (Higher Education), Hon. Chrysostom Muyingo. 

The Speaker guided that the Minister should present to the House an action taken report before schools open for the third term.  

  1. On the non-compliance of Local Governments, Cities and Municipalities with the resolution of Parliament on the utilization of the Road Maintenance Grant; by the Minister of Local Government, Hon. Raphael Magyezi. 

The Speaker informed the House that she was in receipt of a letter from the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Local Government, requiring Local Governments to implement the resolution of Parliament on the Ushs.1billion Road Maintenance Grant.

  1. The House adopted the Report of the Committee of Public Accounts (Local Government) on the Report of the Auditor General for the Financial Year 2021/22 on 36 District Local Governments, 3 Cities, 2 Divisions and 7 Municipal Councils.

The Speaker guided that:

  1. All Public Accounts Committees (PACs) should report on the reports of the Auditor General as tabled in the House, and not on selected entities.
  2. Reports of the PACs on the reports of the Auditor General for the year ended June 2021/22 should be presented to the House by the end of September 2023; and that the House would proceed to adopt the reports of the Auditor General by then, with or without reports from the PACs.

The Speaker adjourned the House at 6:02 p.m. to Wednesday 6th September 2023 at 2.00 p.m.

    1. The Sitting, presided over by the Rt. Hon. Speaker, Anita Annet Among, commenced at 2:00 p.m.
    2. In her communication, the Speaker:
    1. urged Members to consistently attend and participate in both House and Committee activities as prescribed by Part 17 of the Rules of Procedure, specifically Rules 112, 113 and 114; and that exceptions would only apply to Members who were granted leave of absence by the Speaker.
    2. urged the Captain of the Parliamentary Sports Club to ensure that Members engaged in the requisite preparatory processes in all the sports disciplines for the next edition of the East African Inter-Parliamentary Games in order to maintain the exceptional performance of Team Uganda; and guided that the report and medals achieved in the previous games should be tabled in the House, on Wednesday 6th September 2023.
    1. In reaction to the communication from the Chair, the Chief Opposition Whip, Hon. John Baptist Nambeshe, rose on the challenges faced by Party Whips in disciplining Members that were persistently absent in the House, and the use of virtual attendance. 

    The Speaker guided that Members opting for virtual attendance should abide by the rules that provide for virtual attendance.

    1. The House approved the designation of Hon. Jacob Ateenyi Karubanga (Kibanda South) to the Committee on Presidential Affairs.
    2. The Minister of State for Education and Sports (Sports), Hon. Peter Ogwang, presented a statement on the high cost of school fees in some public schools and tertiary institutions and attendant regulations.

    Following the identification of gaps in the statement, the Speaker directed the Minister to present a more comprehensive statement on Tuesday 5th September 2023.

    1. The Speaker directed the Minister of Local Government to communicate the guidelines on the utilization of the Road Maintenance Grant to all Local Governments by Friday 1st September 2023, which communication should be copied to the Speaker and all Members of Parliament.
    2. The House passed a motion to withdraw “The National Local Content Bill, 2023” as returned by H.E. the President.
    3. The House passed “The Competition Bill, 2023” as returned by H.E. the President.
    4. The Speaker adjourned the House at 4:27 p.m. to Tuesday 5th September 2023 at 2.00 p.m.
Anita Annet Among, Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda
+256 414 377 100
+256 414 377 100
Plot 16-18, Parliament Avenue / Plot 13-15, Sir Apollo Kaggwa Road
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