Parliament Business

1. Number of Sittings 101
2. Oaths administered 556
3. Bills Passed   23
4 Bills withdrawn 2
5. Resolutions passed 71
5.1 To authorize Government to borrow 2
5.2 To grant leave for the introduction of Private Members’ Bills 12
5.3 To pay tribute 10
5.4 Other resolutions 47
6. Reports adopted 31
7. Questions responded to during Prime Minister’s Time 112
8. Questions for Oral Answer responded to 3
9. Urgent Questions responded to 64
10. Statements on Government Business for the Succeeding Week 13
11. Ministerial Statements 68
12. Statements by the Leader of Opposition 12
13. Statements by Members 3
14. Petitions concluded 1
17-20/05/2021 Administration of Oaths to Members-Elect of the Eleventh Parliament
24/05/2021 Election of Speaker and Deputy Speaker
04/06/2021 State of the Nation Address and Official State Opening of the First Session of the Eleventh



Variation of the number of ministers in accordance with Article 113(2) of the Constitution



of the Republic of Uganda

Delivery of the Budget Speech by H.E. the President

14/06/2021 Approval of the appointment of the Vice-President and Prime Minister pursuant to Articles


108(2) and 108A(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda

Variation of the number of other ministers in accordance with Article 114 of the Constitution

of the Republic of Uganda
14-17/06/2021 Vetting by the Appointments Committee, of Presidential appointees to the Cabinet
  1. Constitution of Sectoral and Standing Committees
  2. Administration of Oaths to Ex-Officio Members of Parliament
Square shape

Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.

Simple accordion

Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.

Accent font, dark background

Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X is on the runway heading towards a streamlined cloud solution. User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring.

Square shape

Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.

Simple accordion

Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.

Round shape

Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X is on the runway heading towards a streamlined cloud solution. User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring.

Dark font, accent background

Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.

Initially closed

Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.

Filled accordion

Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.

Rounded shape

Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X is on the runway heading towards a streamlined cloud solution. User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring.

Alternate font, light background

Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.

Initially closed

Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.

  • 1st Session
  • 2nd Session
  • 3rd Session
  • Social Service
  • Business
  • Development



14/07/21 On the delayed disbursement of COVID-19 relief to vulnerable segments of the population and the need for commitment by Government to review the initial beneficiary criteria so as to cover more vulnerable people; the Speaker directed the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister to table the list of actual beneficiaries of the COVID-19 relief for scrutiny.
22/07/21 On torture and rampant human rights abuses by state organs; the Speaker directed that the Minister for Security respond to it on Thursday, 29th July 2021.
29/07/21 On the lengthy detention by Uganda Police, of a returning Member of Uganda’s contingent to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Mr. Julius Ssekitooleko, who was reportedly deported by the Japanese authorities; the Speaker directed the Minister of Internal Affairs to present a Statement to the House in response to the matter on Thursday, 5th August 2021.
On the status of compensation of victims of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) insurgency in the Madi sub-region and other affected areas; the Speaker directed the Attorney General to present a status update on the compensation of victims of the LRA Insurgency in various parts of the country on Tuesday, 3rd August 2021.
03/08/21 On the Emyooga Program; the Speaker directed the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to table before the House, all relevant information regarding the Program on Thursday, 5th August 2021.
On the dire living conditions of over 4,000 households affected by floods and drought in Bbaale County, Kayunga District and the non-responsiveness of relevant Government agencies; the Speaker directed the Minister of Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Refugees to visit Kayunga District and conduct an assessment of the situation and report back to the House on Tuesday, 10th August 2021.
04/08/21 On the deplorable state of 41km Kyapa-Kasensero Road that has hampered traffic flow and caused widespread suffering to the affected communities; the Speaker directed the Minister of Works and Transport to respond to the matter.
05/08/21 On the breach of contractual obligations by M/S Continental Tobacco Uganda Limited and M/S Nimatabac Tobacco Company Limited to pay over 1,000 tobacco farmers for tobacco supplied to them and the failure of Government to effect payment of farmers despite the allocation of funds for that purpose; the Speaker directed that the Minister of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives reports to the House on the status of payment of the affected tobacco farmers, and the Attorney General Tables copies of Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) signed between Government of Uganda and M/S Continental Tobacco Uganda Limited and M/S Nimatabac Tobacco Company Limited on payment of tobacco farmers in the Bunyoro sub-region.
On the delay by Government to honor its undertaking to compensate fishing communities in Kamuli District that suffered brutal, inhumane and degrading treatment at the hands of the UPDF Fisheries Protection Unit in contravention of Article 44 of the Constitution and the attendant losses suffered; the Speaker directed the Minister to convene a meeting with all relevant stakeholders to establish the veracity of the matter raised by the Member and report back to the House.
On the exclusion of Buvuma District from acquisition of boat ambulances that were procured by Government to manage the health crises in island districts; the Speaker directed the Minister of Health to provide a status report on the procurement of marine ambulances, with a directive to report back to the House immediately after the short recess.  
On the failure by UMEME to supply and install Yaka Meters to some clients across the country and the urgent need for Government to come up with an explanation on the matter; the Speaker directed the Minister of Energy and Mineral Development to present a general overview of the performance of the UMEME.
On high electricity tariffs that have curtailed enterprise development in the entire country; and the slump in sugarcane prices due to bumper harvests and surpluses in the Busoga Sub-region; the Speaker directed the responsible Ministers to respond to the matters raised.
17/08/21 On the crippling effect on operations of newly created cities, of Government’s failure to avail requisite funds in the financial year 2021/22; the Speaker directed the Minister of Local Government to brief the House on Government’s plans to initiate the requisite legislation to operationalize the new cities and the attendant funding modalities within two weeks (by 31st August 2021).
On the deplorable state of roads in the West Nile region and its adverse effect on the movement of people and goods; the Speaker directed that the Minister of Works and Transport convene a meeting with Members from the West Nile region over the matter and report back to the House in two weeks (by 31st August 2021).
On the allocation of a 150 acre piece of public land in Sango bay to a private individual who was levying a road toll on road users in the area and the resultant uncertainty faced by an estimated 1000 inhabitants of the affected land; the Speaker directed the Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development and the Minister of Internal Affairs to immediately address the matter raised and update the House on actions taken within two weeks. 
On the failure by Government to fund the operations of newly created Town Councils in Nakasongola district and the need for a supplementary budget; the Speaker directed the Minister for Local Government to include a response to this matter in his statement to the House on the plans for financing newly created cities, town councils and sub counties, expected within two weeks (by 31st August 2021).
On the delayed disbursement of Non Tax Revenue (NTR) to Local Governments by the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development and the resultant impediments to the performance of Local Governments; the Speaker directed the Minister to present a statement on management of finances in Local Governments, and the management of NTR generated by Local Governments.
On the Motion for a Resolution of Parliament to pay tribute to Team Uganda for its performance at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics; the Speaker directed;

  • The Minister of Education and Sports to table a comprehensive budget proposal for the sports sub-sector within thirty days so that the budget for sports is ring fenced.
  • The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to report to the House on actions taken to secure the grant from the Government of the People’s Republic of China for construction of sports facilities across the country.
  • The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to submit to the House for consideration, a supplementary budget to finance the planned refurbishment of Namboole stadium.
  • The Minister of Education and sports to submit names of atleast 80 private corporate entities who may be potential contributors to the sports sector in the country.
In response to pleas by some Members on the need to offset the outstanding medical bills of one of Uganda’s Olympiads, Mr. Davis Kamoga, the Speaker offered a contribution of UGX 10million. 
18/08/21 On the plight of several Ugandans who were working alongside the United States military in Afghanistan and are currently caught up in the turmoil in Afghanistan; the Speaker directed that the Minister of Foreign Affairs respond to the matter within one week (by 25th August 2021).  
On the deplorable state of roads in Alebtong District and the entire Lango sub region and the need for the Ministry of Works and Transport to develop a comprehensive road investment plan for the Lango sub-region with a view of upgrading the seasonal roads to bitumen standard and rehabilitation of the Kamdini-Lira Road; the Speaker directed the Minister of Works and Transport and the Uganda National Roads Authority to assess the state of roads in the Lango sub region and appraise and determine requisite interventions, interact with Members of Parliament from the Lango sub region and present a statement to the House on the planned actions for the improvement of roads in the sub-region within two weeks (by 1st September 2021).
On the unresolved border conflict between Mt. Elgon National Park under Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) and neighbouring local communities, the resultant malicious damage of property belonging to the affected communities and the recent killing of a one Nabugodi Yusuf by UWA enforcement personnel; raised by Hon. Ssasaga Isaias Johny, MP Budadiri East; the Speaker directed the Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities to verify and address the issues raised and report back to the House in two weeks (by 1st September 2021).
On the rising water levels of Lake Victoria and the resultant threat of submersion of landing sites in Masaka District to the detriment of affected fisher communities. This in spite of the appropriation of Shs. 45 billion to the Office of the Prime Minister under supplementary expenditure schedule 3 of 2019/20 specifically for aiding the afflicted fisher communities; the Speaker directed the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister to follow up the matter and report back to the House in two weeks (by 1st September 2021).
On the high variation and fluctuation in farm gate prices of cotton and vanilla across the different regions of the Country, with Kasese District having the lowest prices; the Speaker directed the Minister of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives to inquire into the matter and report back to the House within two weeks (by 1st September 2021).
On the high cancer prevalence rates in Kasese District over and above the national average; the Speaker directed the Minister of Health to examine the matter and report back to the House during the following week.
On the detention by the Uganda Police, of a returning member of Uganda’s contingent to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Mr. Julius Ssekitooleko, following his deportation from Japan; the Speaker directed the Minister of State for Sports to present a statement on the qualification and selection criteria for the sportspersons that constitute Ugandan contingents to international sports engagements such as the Olympics, on Tuesday, 24th August 2021.
On the non-implementation of the Wildlife Act, 2019 by the Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities and the reluctance of the minister to table regulations before the house to operationalize the act that has caused loss of lives and property attributed to human-wildlife conflicts without attendant compensations; the Speaker directed the Minister to tour the districts affected by attacks by the wildlife and acquaint himself with the local realities.
On the status of payment to tobacco farmers from Bunyoro Sub-Region who supplied tobacco to M/S Continental Tobacco Uganda Limited and M/S Nimatabac Tobacco Company Limited; the Speaker directed that;

  • The Minister interacts with the Members of Parliament from the Bunyoro sub-region to further deliberate on the matter.
  • Members are allowed to have access to the verification report.
  • The Executive lays before the House the Memorandum of Understanding between Government and the tobacco companies in regard to government paying famers on behalf of the companies and the legal instrument backing this arrangement.
  • No payment be effected before reporting back to the House.
  • The Minister evaluates the plight of tobacco farmers in other regions.
  • The Minister reports back in two weeks (by 1st September 2021).
31/08/21 On organized crime and killings of persons in the greater Masaka region; the Speaker directed that –

  • The political leadership of the affected areas work in concert with the Minister of Internal Affairs and that of Security to re-affirm Government commitment to improving security in the area and restore public confidence.
  • Government considers allocating a special budget to cater for the funding gaps for the security sector.
  • The Committee on Defence and Internal Affairs to undertake a fact-finding visit to the affected areas, jointly with the Minister of Internal Affairs and that of Security and the area MPs and report back on actions taken to the House within two (2) weeks.
On the merger of Ministries, Departments and Agencies; by the Minister of Public Service; the Speaker guided that;

  • The Minister of Public Service works closely with the Attorney General to ensure that all the legal pre-requisites are duly addressed in the process of mergers.
  • All the staff in the entities that have been affected by mergers be paid what is due to them.    
  • Pursuant to Rule 191 of the Rules of Procedure, an Adhoc Committee will be established to inquire into the process of merging MDAs and report back to the House within a month.
  • The Minister of Public Service should not implement any rationalization until Parliament has received and approved the report on the rationalization.
15/09/21 On inadequate utility service provisions at Nsambya Police Barracks particularly power blackout that has lasted over three months; the Speaker directed that the Minister of Internal Affairs presents a Statement on utility services provision in police barracks across the country on Thursday 16th September 2021.
30/09/21 On failure to undertake construction of two stadia namely; Buhinga and Akibua Olympic stadium, through a grant provided by the Peoples’ Republic of China, and the impending expiry of the three-year grant period; raised by Hon. Linda Irene, Fort Portal City Woman Representative; the Speaker directed the Minister of State for Sports to table a copy of the feasibility report for the two projects, and the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to update the House on the grant, on Tuesday 5th September 2021.
On allegations that Shs.5bn had been diverted from the Disaster Preparedness docket under the Office of the Prime Minister, thereby curtailing interventions in disasters occurring across the country; the Speaker directed that the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister responds to the matter on Tuesday 5th September 2021.
05/10/21 On the delayed response of the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to an outstanding Urgent Question on the gender imbalance of the Board of NSSF, the Minister of State for Micro-Finance, Hon. Kyeyune Haruna Kasolo, informed the House that the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development had written to the various constituencies from which the Board Members of NSSF are drawn to re-nominate representatives to the Board whilst exercising greater gender sensitivity and that he would update the House on actions taken within 3 weeks; the Speaker directed the Minister to furnish her with copies of the letters.
On the need for a long-term strategic plan on emergencies and multi-sectoral approach to disaster management; the Speaker directed –

  • The Office of the Prime to submit to the House, a comprehensive disaster preparedness report and to report on the progress of the establishment of the disaster Commission as envisaged in the Constitution within two months.   
  • The Committee on Presidential Affairs to undertake a nationwide assessment of disaster prone areas and propose specific strategies and sustainable solutions for addressing disasters.
On the Bukumi Gravity Water Project in Bughoko that had stalled since 2018; the Speaker directed Minister of Water and Environment to take up the matter in all areas with similar projects and attendant challenges.
28/10/21 On the alleged syndicate by health workers and unscrupulous persons to issue fraudulent COVID-19 vaccination certificates, raised by Hon. Okupa Elijah, MP Kasilo County, who tabled a sample of the forged certificate from Bugalo Heath Centre III in Butaleja District; the Speaker directed the Minister of Health to investigate the matter, and the Minister of Security to investigate the matter that a delegation from Christ Embassy Church from Uganda was due to travel to Nigeria using forged COVID-19 vaccination certificates.
On the inconvenience suffered by arriving passengers at Entebbe International Airport while awaiting the results of their mandatory COVID-19 tests; the Speaker directed the Minister of Health to respond to the matter on Tuesday 2nd November 2021.
04/11/21 On the Uganda National Science week and commemoration of the World Science Day; the Speaker directed the Minister in the Office of the President, in charge of Science Technology and Innovation, Hon. Dr. Monica Musenero, to:

  • Return to the House with another Statement on the state of science and technology in the country, including the transition, funding and planned activities of the Ministry.
  • Update the House on progress in locally developing a COVID-19 vaccine and accountability for funds released for the development of the vaccine, on Tuesday 9th November 2021.
09/11/21 On the recent rapid influx of refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo and the attendant security and health threats; the Speaker directed the Minister of Internal Affairs to present a statement to the House on the sudden influx of refugees in the country.
On the recurrent fatalities arising from incessant bomb/grenade explosions in Nakaseke District, on an incident that claimed the lives of three children in Semuto, Nakaseke District on 29th October 2021 and the need for compensation of the affected families; the Speaker directed the Minister of Security to present a statement on the matter on Tuesday 16th November 2021.
On the questionable management of land matters and abuse of ministerial power by the Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development in purporting to suspend activities of the Uganda Land Commission, and the suspension of activities of the Wakiso District Land Office by the Minister of State for Lands and reports that the Rt. Prime Minister had grabbed land from some orphans and evicted them; the Speaker guided that it was not necessary to require the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister to make a response basing on unfounded social media reports, and directed the Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development together with the State Minister for Lands to make a statement on the matter on Thursday, 11th November 2021. 
On a statement by Hon. Muwanga Kivumbi Muhammad, on behalf of the Leader of the Opposition, on issues pertaining half-year releases for the FY 2021/22; the Speaker directed the Committee on Public Service and Local Government to present a comprehensive report on the financial challenges afflicting Local Governments, in light of reports that funds had not been released to them.
30/11/21 On the worrying state of 67 critically ill members of the Obusinga bwa Rwenzururu royal guards, who were languishing at Kirinya Government Prison since their arrest and incarceration in 2016 and the urgent need for critical medical care; the Speaker directed that the Attorney General present a Statement on the matter on Thursday 2nd November 2021.
On the spiraling fuel prices in the country and the attendant inflationary effect on the cost of goods and services, a matter raised on the Floor on 17th November 2021, and responded to in the media by the Minister of Energy, Hon. Okaasai Sidronius Opolot; the Speaker directed the Minister of Energy and Mineral Development to respond to the matter in the House.
On a viral audio recording of an unknown woman, making various allegations against the COVID-19 vaccination exercise that was launched in the Acholi sub-region on 25th November 2021 and its potential adverse effect on the vaccination drive; the Speaker guided that:

  • Relevant law enforcement authorities should investigate the matter and bring the culprit to book. 
  • The Acholi Parliamentary Group (APG) be facilitated by the Parliamentary Commission to embark on a community-wide sensitization drive in the Acholi sub-region for the fruition of the vaccination exercise
  • The Minister of Health should join APG in the community awareness drive. 
02/12/21 On the status of prosecution of Royal Guards of the Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu who were arrested in 2016 and some of whom remain in incarceration; by the Deputy Attorney General, Hon. Kafuuzi Jackson Karugaba; the Speaker referred the matter to the Committee on Human Rights with a directive to report back in two (2) weeks.
08/12/21 On the delay by the Committee on Education and Sports to report back on the motion on the fate of private schools in preparation for school reopening; the Speaker directed all Committees, to whom Motions had been referred to report back to the House as required by the Rules.
On crippling of activities of Gulu City and Omoro District Local Government arising from inadequate appropriation far below locally generated revenue in the case of Gulu City, and lack of appropriation by Parliament in the case of Omoro District, and the inaction of the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to whose attention the matter had severally been brought; the Speaker directed that the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development follows up and addresses the matter.
14/12/21 On the failure to appropriately utilize the UGX. 30 billion provided to address the continuous flooding of River Nyamwamba in Kasese District, and the slow progress in the reconstruction of Kilembe Hospital that was washed away by floods, a matter raised by Hon. Kambale Ferigo, MP Kasese Municipality; the Speaker directed the Member to avail the terms of funding contained in the UGX.30 billion.
27/01/22 On the fate and plight of the Police Constable Robert Mukebezi who lost his leg after allegedly being shot by a soldier; the Speaker directed the Government Chief Whip to cause the presentation of a Statement on actions taken by Government on the matter including the plight of the affected Police Constable and welfare of his family.
On the continued incarceration and delayed trial of two Members, Hon. Ssewanyana Allan, MP Makindye West and Hon. Ssegirinya Muhammad, MP Kawempe North; the Speaker tasked the Attorney General to update the House on the progression of the trial of the two Members within two (2) weeks (by 10th February 2022). 
28/01/22 On the National Budget Framework Paper 2022/23-2026/27 approved by the House; the Speaker guided that;

  • The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development engenders the recommendations contained in the Report of the Budget Committee on the National Budget Framework Paper (NBFP) and the minority report, into the Ministerial Policy Statements FY 2022/23 that are expected by 15th March 2022.
  • Sectoral Committees should integrate the matters raised in the reports on the NBFP into their oversight undertakings.
01/02/22 On the urgent need for Government to investigate and stem the escalation of attacks on the people of Apaa where some lives were lost and property destroyed; the Speaker urged Government to expedite the resolution of the long-standing conflict in Apaa, and granted the Executive one (1) week (by Tuesday, 8th February 2022) to respond to the matter.
On the mayhem meted on the people of Agago District by cattle rustlers, the attendant displacement of people and the urgent need for requisite security interventions, emergency relief interventions, improvement of communication infrastructure in the area, compensation for loss of lives, and peace dialogues between affected districts; the Speaker guided that a Statement on actions taken on the matter be presented to the House on Thursday, 3rd February 2022.
On the need to beseech H.E. the President to grant clemency to political prisoners and prisoners of conscience; the Speaker guided that the Shadow Minister compiles a list of inmates who are in prison for minor offences for onward transmission to the Committee on Prerogative of Mercy.
On the destruction caused by a fire that gutted some dormitories at Bupadengo Primary School, Kamuli District on 26th January 2022 and the need for emergency relief for the school and its affected pupils; the Speaker guided that Ministry of Education and Sports conducts a fact-finding visit to the school to assess the extent of damage and devise appropriate interventions to facilitate the return of the affected children to school.
02/02/22 On the criteria and status of the compensation of Uganda-South Sudan traders who incurred losses as a result of civil war in South Sudan; the Speaker guided the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development tables the list of the eligible traders and their payment status on Thursday, 3rd February 2022, accompanied by explanatory memoranda on criteria used to effect compensation.
On unusual deaths of 15 persons emanating from similar symptoms in Kijonjo Village, Kasasa Sub County, Kyotera District and appealed to the Minister of Health to present to the House a Statement on the matter; the Speaker guided that the Minister of Health should respond to the matter on Wednesday, 9th February 2022.
03/02/22 On the negligence of some staff of Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) who cause forest fires that destroy property and livelihoods of communities neighbouring wildlife conservation areas and the need for Government to compensate victims of such fires; the Speaker guided that the Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities presents a statement on the matters on Tuesday, 8th February 2022.
On the rampant deforestation and insecurity in the Rwenzori region and the attendant anxiety it has caused to affected communities; the Speaker guided that the Minister for Water and Environment, and the Minister for Security conduct joint operations to address the matter.  
On the tabled Report of the Auditor General for the year ended 30th June 2021; the Speaker referred the report to the Committees on Public Accounts (Central Government, Local Government and Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises) and urged the Committees to be efficient and effective and ensure compliance with Article 163(5) of the Constitution which grants the House not more than six months to consider the reports of the Auditor General.
On the Report of the Committee on Tourism, Trade and Industry on the Fuel Crisis in the country, adopted by the House; the Speaker guided that the Minister of Energy and Mineral Development prevail over fuel stations that hoard fuel with intentions of hiking prices and to conduct a survey on fuel stations on whether or not they have fuel reserves of at least 10 days in compliance with the law.
08/02/22 On a purported boundary demarcation exercise between the districts of Madi-Okolo and Terego presided over by the Minister of State for Urban Development; the Speaker guided that the Minister of Local Government prepares and tables an Action Taken Report on the resolution of the matter.
On gross maladministration and abuse of office by the management of Soroti Fruit Factory and the urgent need for the House to sanction a forensic audit into the activities of the Factory; the Speaker guided that;

  • The Minister of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives investigates the matter and reports back to the House on Thursday 17th February 2022.  
  • The Committee on Tourism, Trade and Industry to take up the matter and report back to the House.
  • The Auditor General to conduct a forensic audit on the management and operations of Soroti Fruit Factory, which shall be tabled after the consideration of the two reports from the Ministry and the Committee.
  • The Public Accounts Committee (Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises) should expedite the consideration of the Report of the Auditor General including the part that relates to the Uganda Development Corporation
On Government’s Interventions to address cattle rustling in Acholi Sub-Region; the Speaker guided that the Minister of Internal Affairs should, within 3 months, present to the House a report on mechanisms instituted by Government to address security concerns related to cattle rustling in the various regions of the country.
On investigations to stem the escalation of attacks on the people of Apaa; by the Minister of State for Internal Affairs; the Speaker instructed the Committee on Defence and Internal Affairs to conduct investigations into the incident and report back to the House.
On reports of alleged human rights violations by State Security Operatives; the Speaker guided the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs to work jointly with the Committee on Human Rights to resolve the issues raised during the debate, and the Committee on Human Rights reports on the matter within 45 days.
09/02/22 On the diversion of cargo trucks to Lwakhakha Border Post as an alternative to Busia and Malaba border posts and its negative impacts on traffic flow, security and hygiene at the facility; the Speaker guided that the Government reports back on actions taken on the matter on Tuesday, 15th February 2022.
On the Status of the value addition facility at Busia Border Post; the Speaker instructed the Minister of Energy and Mineral Development to communicate to all licensed fuel station operators requiring them to reduce fuel prices and the Office of the Speaker should be copied in the communication.
On human-wildlife conflicts and Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) Handling of fires in National Parks that affect activities neighboring communities; the Speaker guided that;

  • The Committee of Tourism, Trade and Industry uses the statement of the Minister together with their own findings to appraise the matter and report back within 2 weeks (by 24th February 2022).
  • The Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities further investigates the matter and report back to the House including how the Ministry intends compensate those affected and report back within 2 weeks (by 24th February 2022).
On the installation of Requisite Road furniture to stem road accidents along the Busiu-Bumageni Section of the Tororo-Mbale Road; the Speaker guided the Minister of Works and Transport to institute measures to address road carnage on the particular road section and file a report with the Office of the Speaker within one week. (by Thursday, 17th February 2022).
On the 143rd IPU Assembly and Related Meetings held in Madrid, Spain from 24th to 30th November, 2021; the speaker guided that the various Parliamentary Committees should scrutinize the observations and recommendations that relate to their mandate and take action on them accordingly.
15/02/22 On the alleged misconduct and misbehaviour of Parliamentary Commissioner, Hon. Zaake Francis. He cited a post the Member made on the social media platform “Twitter” in which he disparaged the person of the Rt. Hon. Deputy Speaker; the Speaker referred the matter to the Committee on Rules, Privileges and Discipline with a directive to report back within two (2) weeks.
01/03/22 On the commitment of the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to send the funds for implementing the Parish Development Model directly to the beneficiary accounts without an intermediary; the Speaker guided that on Thursday, 10th  March, 2022:

  • The Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development presents to the House a Statement on the Roadmap of the Parish Development Model.
  • The Ministry of Local Government presents to Parliament the PDM Policies and Guidelines to be scrutinized by the Committee on Public Service and Local Government. 
  • The procurement process of the ICT firm to facilitate the Parish Development Model be halted pending investigation into the matter.
On the fate of over 100 Ugandans caught up in the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine; the Speaker guided that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents a Statement to Parliament on the matter on Thursday, 3rd March 2022.
On the deplorable state of the road connecting Lyantonde to Ntutsi and the attendant safety hazards it poses to the affected community and road users; the Speaker guided that the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development should ensure funds are availed to UNRA to complete and maintain the said roadworks.
On the Government Proposal to borrow up to Twenty Million United States Dollars (US$ 20.0 Million) from the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA); Thirty Million United States Dollars (US$ 30.0 Million) from the Saudi Fund for Development (SFD); and Twenty Million United States Dollars (US$ 20.0 Million) from the OPEC Fund for International Development (OPEC Fund) for the Construction and Equipping of the Uganda Heart Institute Project; the Speaker referred the loan proposal to the Committee on National Economy, and guided that the Minister of Health presents a status report on the International Specialized Hospital Lubowa.
On the shooting incident of No.68055 PC Mukebezi Robert, a Traffic Officer by a UPDF soldier, CPL Babangida Bashir Mango; the Speaker guided that the Minister in charge of Security tables within one week (by 8th March 2022):

  • The list of all Citizens who have been shot and mishandled by state security agencies.
  • The list of perpetrators and what action has been taken against them.
02/03/22 On the stalling of projects in the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries due to bureaucracy within the Ministry; the Speaker guided that:

  • The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries presents to Parliament a comprehensive report, within one (1) week, regarding the payment of farmers who had supplied inputs and the reasons for the stalled projects in the Ministry.
  • The Budget Committee stays approval of any additional budget for Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries till they absorb the funds already disbursed to the Ministry.
On the increased proliferation of counterfeit products in the market resulting into revenue loss to government, infringement on intellectual property and health and safety risks to consumers; the Speaker guided that the Committee on Tourism, Trade and Industry carries out an inquiry into the matter and reports to Parliament within two weeks (By 17th March 2022).
On the counterfeit COVID-19 vaccines that were impounded in 2021 and allegations that an estimated 800 people in the Kampala Metropolitan Area received fake Covid-19 jabs; the Speaker referred the matter to the Minister of Health with a directive to report back within two weeks (By 17th March, 2022).
On accumulated arrears under the Social Assistance Grant for Empowerment (SAGE) Programme, worth 36.2 billion shillings over 8 (eight) months resulting in the non-payment of 270,203 eligible older person and the risk of termination of counterpart funding by development partners, the Minister of State for Finance, Planning and Economic Development in charge of General Duties, Hon. Musasizi Henry Ariganyira, informed the House that funds for SAGE for the third quarter of the FY 2021/22 had been released; the Speaker directed the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to table relevant evidence of the release of funds for SAGE for the third quarter on Thursday, 3rd March 2022.
03/03/22 On the eviction of over 200 households from a piece of land in Ntwetwe Constituency in Kyankwanzi District, by the widow of the Late Gen. Aronda Nyakairima; the Speaker guided that the land ownership be established in line with the Land Act.
On the deteriorating security situation in Karamoja, characterized by daily fatalities, arson and livestock theft; the Speaker guided that the matter be incorporated into the agenda of the meeting of the Committee on Defence and Internal Affairs with the Teso, Karamoja, Sebei, Acholi and Lango Parliamentary Groups slated for Friday, 4th March 2022.
On the delay in compensation of Project Affected Persons (PAPs) of the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) project and the need for revaluation of the land, whose value has appreciated since its initial valuation five (5) years ago; the Speaker guided that the Minister of Works and Transport responds to the matter on Wednesday, 9th March 2022.
On the ruthless eviction of people from wetlands in Lira, Teso, and Acholi areas, characterized by indiscriminate destruction of crops by the Environmental Police and the need for a grant of a grace period by the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) to those affected, to enable the maturity and harvest of food crops, and comprehensive list by the Ministry of Water and Environment, of permissible activities in the various wetlands; and on the need for a transitional period of skilling and preparation for alternative livelihoods for people who have been dependent on wetlands for their livelihoods in Kibuku and Bukedi, and skill them to engage in alternative enterprises; the Speaker guided that:

  • The destruction of food crops planted in wetlands should be halted pending transitional livelihood interventions for those affected.
  • NEMA should sensitize the victims on the NEMA Act.
  • The Minister of Water and Environment should, within two (2) weeks, explain to Parliament the criteria of evictions from wetlands.
On the need for a thorough independent investigation and observance of due process following the arrest of the Executive Director of Mulago National Referral Hospital, Dr. Baterana Byarugaba by State House Health Monitoring Unit and his subsequent interdiction to pave way for investigations into alleged embezzlement, abuse of office, fraudulent false accounting and causing financial loss; the Speaker guided that investigations into the matter were ongoing and that the law should take its course.
On the insecurity in Gulu City and its environs, where several cases of unknown gunmen way-laying and robbing people had been recently reported and the limited response capacity of the Police in the district due to transport limitations; the Speaker guided that the Minister of Security and that of Internal Affairs should urgently respond to the situation.
On a Petition of the Uganda Women Parliamentary Association (UWOPA) on escalating cases of maternal mortality; the Speaker referred the Petition to the Minister of Health and guided that the Minister should, within two weeks, present a Statement to Parliament on the measures in place and probable interventions to mitigate maternal mortality as well as the attendant budgetary implications.
On a Petition of Agro Input Dealers accredited by Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries under the Agriculture Cluster Development Project; the Speaker referred the Petition to the Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries and guided that the Minister updates the House on actions taken on the prayers of the Petitioners, including the low absorption of funds in the Ministry.
On the Parish Development Model Guidelines; the Speaker guided that the Minister furnishes Members of Parliament with the Parish Development Model Policy and related information prior to the impending engagement with the Ministry of Local Government slated for Friday, 11th March 2022.
On the Report of the joint oversight visit of the Committees of East African Community (EAC) Affairs and Foreign Affairs to Elegu, adopted by the House; the Speaker guided that an inter-ministerial statement, by the Ministries of; Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Security, Foreign Affairs, East African Community Affairs, and Water and Environment, be presented to the House on the compensation of Ugandan traders in South Sudan, and other matters of concern raised in the Report.
09/03/22 On the poor welfare and deplorable state of housing facilities of Uganda Police personnel, the deplorable state of roads within Nsambya Police Barracks and the need for a comprehensive strategic plan for improving the welfare and living conditions of the police; the Speaker guided:

  • The Minister of Internal Affairs to enhance the budget for improving the living conditions and welfare of Uganda Police Force.
  • The Minister of Works and Transport to grade the road from Kibuli to Nsambya, and the roads within Nsambya Police Barracks.
  • The Minister of Works and Transport, Hon. Katumba Wamala, Katumba Wamala, undertook to ensure the rehabilitation of the roads within Nsambya Police Barracks.
On the failure by Kyambogo University to issue academic transcripts to eligible students in the last four (4) years and its adverse effect on the career aspirations of the affected students; the Speaker guided that a comprehensive response to the matter be presented within two weeks (by 24th March, 2022).
On the laborious procedure required of police personnel to access their funds from the Police Exodus SACCO, requiring online applications that cannot be accessed by those in rural areas and the need for an audit of Police Exodus SACCO to reassure its dissatisfied members; the Speaker guided that a forensic audit on Police Exodus SACCO be carried out and a report presented to Parliament within one month (by 10th April 2022).
On the vandalism of electric wires and poles in Kassanda, resulting in a power blackout for two (2) weeks, with the most affected being Kassanda Health Centre, Kassanda Town Council, Bukuya Town Council, and the water project of the two towns and the need for an effective and sustainable mitigation plan; the Speaker guided that the relevant Ministers should report to Parliament within two (2) weeks, on immediate solutions to the matter as the law is awaited.
On the delay in compensation of Project Affected Persons (PAPs) of the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) project and the need for revaluation of the land, whose value has appreciated since its initial valuation five (5) years back; the Speaker guided that the land in question should be revaluated, and security be guaranteed for the PAPs during the process of revaluation.
10/03/22 On the skyrocketing prices of essential goods such as soap, salt and agricultural inputs such as fertilizers and the need for Government to consider suspension of taxes on fuel as a remedial measure; the Speaker guided that Government makes a comprehensive statement to Parliament on Tuesday, 15th March 2022 on the skyrocketing prices of essential commodities and attendant actions taken to ameliorate the situation.
On the need for Government to review the stringent preconditions for transporting livestock using the ferry from Amolatar District to Kampala, which had adversely affected the livelihoods of livestock traders; the Speaker guided that Government tables the guidelines for the movement of livestock on the ferry.
On the Report of the Committee on the Public Accounts Committee – Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises (PAC-COSASE) on the operations of the Uganda Civil Aviation Authority, adopted by the House; the Speaker guided that the Auditor General conducts a value for money audit on the Uganda Civil Aviation Authority.
On the Resolution of Parliament to remove Hon. Francis Zaake from the office of Parliamentary Commissioner; the Speaker directed Hon. Zaake Francis to render an apology to the House within one (1) week.
05/04/22 Pursuant to Rule 235 that provides for Lapse/reinstatement of Parliamentary Business upon dissolution of the House, the Speaker directed that the Rules Committee reports on the assignment.
On an amendment to the Motion for a Resolution of Parliament to pay tribute to the late Rt. Hon. Jacob L’Okori Oulanyah, former Speaker of Parliament of Uganda, to include a prayer that Government urgently acquires a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) for the Uganda Cancer Institute to facilitate early detection and treatment of cancer; the Speaker directed that the Minister of Health updates the House on the matter in two months.
12/04/22 On the ongoing encroachment on an open green belt in Iganga Municipality and the attendant threat to the environment; the Speaker directed that on-going illegal construction on the said wetland in Iganga Municipality be halted.
13/04/22 On the a Statement by the Minister of State for Trade, Industry and Cooperatives (Trade), Hon. Ntabazi Harriet, on the skyrocketing prices of essential commodities and the attendant actions taken to ameliorate the situation; the Speaker directed;

  • The Minister to deepen and broaden the scope of her statement by incorporating a breakdown of the immediate, medium-term and long-term actions to mitigate the price shocks and stabilize the prices of essential commodities in the country, and present to the House a more comprehensive Statement on Thursday April 14 2022. 
  • The Shadow Minister responsible for Trade and Industry to formulate an alternative policy proposition on the matter.
14/04/22 On the uncertainty surrounding the fate of the proposed International Specialized Hospital, Lubowa for which huge sums of money have been earmarked in the budget, yet without information on the state and progress of works; the Speaker directed the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister to provide an update to the House on the progress of the facility, before completion of the current budget process.
On a Motion for a Resolution of Parliament adopted with amendments, urging Government to immediately stop cattle rustling and restore peace, security and stability in the Sub Regions of Teso, Lango, Acoli, Karamoja, Bugisu and Sebei; the Speaker directed that the Minister of Internal Affairs presents a status report on the security situation in Karamoja and the neighboring sub regions within one (1) week (by 21st April 2022), and progress reports on the disarmament process in Karamoja, every fortnight.
21/04/22 On impending expiry of the Uganda Support to Municipal Infrastructure [USMID] project in refugee hosting districts, sub-standard road works by some contractors and the need for Government to ensure completion of pending works; the Speaker guided the Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development to respond to the matter on Tuesday, 26th April 2022.
On allegations of severe cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment and rape of a one, Ms. Alexandros Marinos by state security personnel; the Speaker referred the matter to the Minister of Internal Affairs with a directive to respond back on Tuesday 26th April 2022.
03/05/22 On the Speaker’s directive to halt the encroachment on government land in Iganga Municipality; the Speaker guided that the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Local Government, should ensure the construction on the said land is halted and Uganda Police secures the land as Parliament awaits a report on actions taken on the matter.
On the tsetse fly infestation of the western cattle corridor that had resulted in loss of lives of people and animals, and the loss of livelihoods; the Speaker guided that a team from the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries be dispatched to the area to assess the situation.
On the lack of funds for participation of the 10 (ten) sports teams that qualified for the Commonwealth Games due to take place in Birmingham in two months’ time; the Speaker guided that a report on the outcome of the meeting be presented to the House on Wednesday, 4th May 2022 along with a status report on the preparations for the games.
On the heavy hailstorms in Semuto and Kapeeka in Nakaseke that had left people homeless and roads cut off; the Speaker guided that for similar incidents in other constituencies, Members of Parliament should always provide a report from the District Disaster Management Committee to the Minister of Disaster Preparedness, and a copy availed to the Office of the Speaker of Parliament.
On the disruption of the oversight work of the Committee on Physical Infrastructure in the districts of Mbarara, Isingiro, Rakai, and Masaka on Thursday, 28th April 2022 by Uganda Police, allegedly with orders from the Resident District Commissioner (RDC); the Speaker guided that Committees of Parliament should not be prevented from carrying out their oversight role, and asked the Third Deputy Prime Minister to report to the House on Thursday, 5th May 2022, on the action taken by Government on the said RDC.
On the disruption of electricity supply due to the non-functionality of several transformers that had blown in Agule County; two in 2017 in Nyako and Omurwako trading centre in Kameke sub-county; one in 2019 in Kameke trading centre in Kamek sub-county; and one in February 2022 in Akisim trading centre in Akisim sub-county; the Speaker guided that the Minister of Energy and Mineral Development presents a response to the House on the matter within one week.
On the invasion of the armyworm, the subsequent destruction of crops and the need for urgent intervention of the Ministry of Agriculture; the Speaker directed the Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries to respond to the matter on Wednesday 11th May 2022. 
10/05/22 On the nasty experience of a 23-year old Ugandan lady who whilst serving as a domestic worker in Saudi Arabia, was thrown out of a window of a third floor of a storey building leaving her severely injured and the need for requisite consular services for distressed Ugandans abroad; the Speaker guided that the Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development presents a comprehensive statement on the matter to the House.
On the slow registration of Primary Seven (P.7), Senior Four (S.4) and Senior Six (S.6) candidates, attributed to the high cost of online registration and limited internet access in rural areas, despite the impending deadline; the Speaker guided that the Ministry of Education and Sports should present to the House a statement on the implication of the change of system of registration for candidates.
On the proposal for engagement with Rwenzori Rare Earth Metals Limited with community land owners in Mawanga Parish, Buwunga Sub-County in Bugiri District over a proposed mining project; the Speaker guided that the Minister of Energy and Mineral Development presents a statement to the House on the matter.
On the challenges faced by the contractor on the Musita-Namayingo-Lumino Highway, specifically the junction of Kitoja-Lugala and Namayingo-Lumino and the need for the Ministry of Works and Transport and Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) to prevail over the contractor to appropriately cover the water passages, set up a round-about, put in place pavements, zebra crossings and speed reduction humps in the area; the Speaker guided that the Minister of Works and Transport presents a statement on the matter.
On emoluments for Local Council officials, and on the loan proposal for funds for new Sub-Counties and Town Councils, that was referred to the Committee on National Economy; the Speaker guided that:

  • The Minister of Local Government and the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development present a report on the matter on Wednesday, 18th May 2022.
  • The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development withdraws the loan request for domestic borrowing that is before the Committee on National Economy.
On a Statement on the status of compensation of the Uganda-South Sudan Traders, and tabling of a a list of 23 (twenty-three) companies that had claims against the Government of South Sudan under the Bilateral Agreement approved by Parliament in April 2018 by the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development; the Speaker guided that the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development;

  • tables the list of the 10 (ten) companies that had already been paid by the Government of South Sudan under the first Memorandum of Understanding; and 
  • presents to Parliament, by 30th June 2022, an Addendum to the first Memorandum of Understanding, under which the additional 23 companies will be paid by the Government of South Sudan.
On the Report of the Ad-hoc Committee on the Cabinet Decision to rationalize Government Agencies; the Speaker granted the Minister of Public Service two months within which to report to the House on the matter, and directed that in the meantime, the Ministry of Public Service should not stop any institution from recruiting staff and managing their operations within the current law.
On the lack of funds to facilitate Uganda’s participation in Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games due to take place from 28th July to 8th August 2022; the Speaker guided that Sports Sector should be prioritized in the budget to ensure Ugandan teams participate in international events.
On the status of operationalization of the Mental Health Act, 2018 and the increasing need for mental health and psychiatric care in the country; the Speaker guided that mental health institutions should include counseling services due to the increase in mental health challenges; and regulations on mental health should be operationalized.
On the disruption of the oversight work of the Committee on Physical Infrastructure in the districts of Mbarara, Isingiro, Rakai, and Masaka on Thursday, 28th April 2022 by the Uganda Police, allegedly with orders from the Resident District Commissioner (RDC); the Speaker guided that Committees of Parliament should not be prevented from carrying out their oversight role, and local leaders should be sensitized on the role of Members of Parliament.
On the alleged human rights violations, abductions, arrests and torture of citizens by the Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI) and Internal Security Organization (ISO) citing the case of a one Isma Semuto who was abducted from Kalagi on Wednesday, 27th April 2022 and detained at Kireka on the orders of Gen. Birungi; the Speaker guided that since the 48 hours of detention upon arrest had lapsed, Mr. Isma Semuto should be presented before court, and also be allowed to access his family, doctor, and lawyer.
18/05/22 On the commitment by the Attorney General to table, within two weeks, a progress report on the payment for livestock compensation in Acholi, Lango and Teso Sub-Regions; the Speaker guided that the Attorney General should table the progress report before the end of the 1st Session of the 11th Parliament.
On the Report of the Adhoc Committee on Naguru-Nakawa Land Allocations, adopted by the House; the Speaker directed the Executive to present an Action-taken report during the 1st Meeting of the 2nd Session of the 11th Parliament.
19/05/22 On a petition of the residents of Nyakesi E Zone, Lyakango parish, Nyangole Sub County; the Speaker directed the Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development to take remedial action on the matter, and referred the petition to the Committee on Physical Infrastructure.
On the Report of the Committee on Physical Infrastructure on the Petition in the Matter of Kasoli Tenants Sacco Ltd/Kasoli Housing Project; the Speaker directed the executive to present the action taken report on the recommendations in the Report within a period of two months.
05/07/22 On the recurring industrial action by Teachers; the Speaker directed the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister and Leader of Government Business to present to the House a comprehensive statement on the matter detailing Government interventions and plans to address the matter holistically and sustainably.
On the delay in responding to Petitions, Questions for Oral Answer and directives referred to the Executive; the Speaker directed the Clerk to extract all business that remained pending at the end of the 1st Session for appropriate action.
On the continued incarceration of the Royal Guards of the Obusinga Bwa Rwezururu who were arrested immediately after the 2016 general elections, some of who require urgent medical attention that cannot be accorded within the prisons and the need to accord them the requisite medical assistance; the Speaker directed the Attorney General to present to the House a comprehensive Statement on the matter, detailing action taken on welfare issues and prosecution of the Guards and the way forward.
On the First Reading of the Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2022; the Speaker stood over referral of the Bill to a Committee, and directed the Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs to, on Tuesday 12th July 2022, brief the House on how far Government had gone in establishing the constitutional review commission
06/07/22 On the alleged irregularities in the recruitment exercise by the Uganda Peoples Defence Forces characterized by undue infringement on the quota allotments of some districts in favour of recruits from other districts, in breach of Article 210(b) of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda; the Speaker directed that the Minister of Defence and Veteran Affairs brief the House on the matter during the sitting of Thursday, 7th July 2022.
On the publication in the Gazette, of the amendments to the Rules of Procedure that the House effected on the 27th April 2022 which included the conversion of the Committee on Science, Technology and Innovation from a Sectoral to a Standing Committee; the Speaker guided that:

  • The Committee on Science, Technology and Innovation was henceforth a Standing Committee. 
  • The Whips and/or other duty bearers performing the role of the Whips take cognizance of the change and designate their Members to the Committee whilst taking cognizance of Rule 157(3). 
  • The Clerk circulates the text of the amended Rules for ease of application by Members and reprints the updated Rules of Procedure.
On the Report adopted by the House, of the Committee of Health on the state of health care services delivery in selected Health Facilities in Busoga, Elgon, Bukedi, Ankole and Buganda Sub Regions; the Speaker directed that the recommendations be extracted and forwarded to the Minister for action, and the Minister be required to present an action taken report.
On the Report of the Committee on Rules, Privileges and Discipline on proposed amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Uganda; the Speaker guided that there was no overlap of roles between Sectoral Committees and the Committee on National Economy in Rule 155 and that therefore the Rule should remain as is.
On the status of the support from the Peoples Government of China for financing the construction of Akii-Bua and Buhinga Stadia in Lira and Kabarole districts respectively; the Speaker directed the Clerk to write to the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic to update the House on the matter.
07/07/22 On the exorbitant cost of renting office accommodation for Members of Parliament and the need for Parliament to acquire its own premises for office accommodation to defray rent expenses; the Speaker guided the Deputy Attorney General, Hon. Kafuuzi Jackson Karugaba, to expeditiously process any required clearances upon receipt.
19/07/22 On the Kampala Capital City (Amendment) Bill, 2022 and the National Local Content Bill, 2022; the Speaker directed the leadership of the Committee on Presidential Affairs and that of Finance, Planning and Economic Development respectively, to expedite the processing of the Bills and report back not later than 28th July 2022.
On the failure by mining companies in Karamoja region to institute appropriate corporate social responsibility interventions especially during the current famine situation and the inadequate facilitation of District Disaster Management Committees which curtails their capacity to address emergencies; the Speaker guided that Members of Parliament from the Karamoja region should oversee their District Disaster Committees and ensure they were facilitated to handle emergencies.
On the continued detention of Hon. Kabuye Frank, MP-Kassanda South beyond the constitutionally prescribed 48 hours following his arrest during visitation of students who were injured in the chaos during the Makerere University Guild Presidential campaigns; the Speaker guided that Hon. Kabuye Frank should be produced in court and that the law should take its course.
On reports in the Monitor newspaper that some people in the famine-stricken Karamoja region were trading their children for food; the Speaker guided that Members of Karamoja Parliamentary Group and the Committee on Presidential Affairs should oversee the distribution of relief food in Karamoja and other Government programs being implemented to restore the situation to normalcy, and report back to the House.
On incomplete road works by Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA), since April 2020, along Kikagati-Kafunjo Road that had caused fatal accidents and the need to compensate the victims; the Speaker directed that a status report on road safety measures be presented to the House on Wednesday, 20th July 2020.
On the failure by the Executive to adhere to the Speaker’s directive that the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development presents a progress report to the House on the compensation of Ugandan traders who incurred losses in South Sudan; the Speaker directed that a team headed by the Rt. Hon. Deputy Speaker, comprising the Leader of Opposition, Hon. Atim Ogwal Cecilia Barbara (Woman MP-Dokolo) and Hon. Kibalya Henry Maurice (MP-Bugabula South) and the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, travels to South Sudan to secure an addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding for the payment of the affected traders, and report to the House.
20/07/22 On the selective enhancement of salaries of the higher echelon of the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF) pursuant to a 12th July 2022 press release by the UPDF Spokesperson Brig. Gen. Kulayigye Felix and the exclusion of those in the lower ranks, and the need for a salary review commission to regularize and harmonize salaries for all public servants; the Speaker guided that the establishment of a Salary Review Commission should be expedited to review salaries in all public servants.
On the unregulated use of marijuana by some citizens on the assumption that it was therapeutic in the management of COVID-19 and other diseases, and the need for Ministry of Health and National Drug Authority to sensitize the masses on the dangers associated with its misuse; the Speaker guided that Schedule 2 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Control Act, 2016 should be enforced, and the Ministry of Health should sensitize the public on the law that permits one to grow cannabis for commercial and medical purposes.
On the Motion passed by Parliament to urge Government to prioritize interventions into the nodding disease syndrome in Northern Uganda; the Speaker guided that:

  • The Auditor General should carry out a forensic audit on the funds that were released to handle the nodding disease syndrome.
  • The Minister of Health should update the House, every three months, on the progress made towards eradication of the nodding disease; and on the interim, medium and long term strategy for the affected families.
02/08/22 On the misconduct of the Government Spokesperson and Director of the Government Media Centre, Mr. Ofwono Opondo when he assaulted the Lord Mayor of Kampala during a live television show and the need for disciplinary action taken against him; the Speaker directed the Minister of ICT and National Guidance to update the House on actions taken on the matter within one (1) week (by 10th August 2022).
03/08/22 On the failure to disburse funds under the Parish Development Model (PDM) to some parishes and the need for the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to publish the disbursement schedule for the funds; the Speaker directed that a Status Report on PDM be presented on Tuesday, 9th August 2022 by the responsible Minister.
On a raid at the home of Hon. Adeke Ebaju, MP Soroti District in Soroti City by some suspected NRM officials backed by security personnel on the eve of the by-elections for Soroti City East Division and the resultant arrest of some Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) party leaders including Members of Parliament, confiscation of FDC polling materials and the need for protection of MPs and condemnation of the criminality exhibited during the by-election; the Speaker directed the Attorney General to follow up the matter and report back to the House.
04/08/22 On the failure by Government to avail planting materials to farmers under the Parish Development Model in time given the onset of the rainy season; the Speaker directed the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to update the House on the disbursement schedule of the funds in question.
On the Report, adopted by the House, of the Public Accounts Committee – Commissions, Statutory Authorities And State Enterprises (PAC – COSASE) on the Report of the Auditor General on the Uganda Land Commission for FY2020/2021; the Speaker directed the Committee to report on the entire Report of the Auditor General for FY 2020/2021within three weeks.
09/08/22 On the allegation by Hon. Dr. Kagabo Twaha, MP Bukoto County South, that he had received UGX.40 million from the Rt. Hon. Speaker, which money he allegedly sought to return; the Speaker referred the matter to the Committee on Rules, Privileges and Discipline to investigate and report back to the House within one (1) month.
On flash floods and multiple landslides that ravaged the sub-counties of Bushika, Bunabutiti and Nakatsi in Bududa District; the Speaker guided that the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister tables a Status Report on interventions by the Office of the Prime Minister in Districts afflicted by heavy rains, on Wednesday 10th August 2022.
On delayed release of funds for road maintenance despite the looming rainy season, which will worsen the state of seasonal roads; the Speaker directed the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to avail Members of Parliament with a disbursement schedule of road maintenance funds to the various local governments and Regulations on operationalization of the Road Fund, on Wednesday 10th August 2022.
On non-increment of salaries and emoluments of police officers despite salary increments for other civil servants such as science teachers, and the need to investigate the operations of Exodus SACCO; the Speaker guided that –

  • Government would in due course constitute a Salary Review Commission to review salaries and emoluments of all civil servants.  
  • The Public Accounts Committee (Central Government) should inquire into the operations of Exodus SACCO during consideration of the Auditor General’s report on the Uganda Police Force.
10/08/22 On the status of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Bill, 2022 that was passed by the House on 3rd May 2022 and forwarded to the President for assent; the Speaker guided that the Attorney General should inform the House on the fate of the Bill.
On delays by Government to honor its Shs.10,000 pledge as monthly stipend to Local Council I leaders and its negative impacts on the operations of the offices held; the Speaker guided that Hon. Najjuma Sarah, Nakaseke District Woman MP, had raised the matter on 4th August 2022 and that this would be responded to in due course.
On alleged repackaging and branding of Ugandan tea as Kenyan by Kenyan authorities; the Speaker guided that the matter should be addressed through the established East African Community structures.
On the Motion by Hon. Sarah Opendi seeking Leave of Parliament to introduce a Private Members’ Bill titled “The Constitution [Amendment] Bill”; the Speaker referred the Motion to the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs for integration into the Terms of Reference of the planned Constitution Review Commission, and guided that the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs should inform the House on the timelines for the establishment of the Commission.
30/08/22 Pursuant to Rules 112 and 113 of the Rules of Procedure, which prescribe modalities for leave of absence from both the House and Committees and attendant sanctions in case of breaches; the Speaker:

  • Observed that the attendance records of Committees and the House for the month of July 2022 showed endemic absenteeism by some Members. 
  • Reminded Members, that they were duty bound to be available to perform their roles pursuant to the code of conduct of Members of Parliament enshrined in Appendix F of the Rules of Procedure.
  • Cautioned Members who had been absent from Committees and the House without leave, to forthwith desist from absenteeism or else Rules 112 (7) and 113 (2) and (3) would be evoked to issue written warnings to them and; name and shame them in the House.
  • Urged Members to always clock in using the biometric chamber access system whenever accessing the chamber and those participating virtually should follow the rules that govern virtual participation which include notification of the Speaker and registration with the Clerk at least 12 hours prior to a Sitting.
  • Directed Chairpersons to submit monthly reports on the attendance of Committee Members to the Office of the Speaker.
On Government’s legislative agenda presented at the State of the Nation Address on 7th June 2022 indicating the planned introduction of 62 Bills during the Second Session of the 11th Parliament; the Speaker directed the Leader of Government Business to update the House on Wednesday, 31st August 2022 on:

  • How many of the planned 62 Bills have so far been tabled in Parliament?
  • How many planned Bills are still pending?
  • The road map for the introduction of those that are still pending.
The Speaker directed the Clerk to avail Members with the new sets of Rules of Procedure.
The Speaker asked the Attorney General to the study the matter of political prisoners and report back to the House.
On the need to respect the Rules governing election of Members to the East African Legislative Assembly, especially in regard to numerical strength of political parties represented in the House; the Speaker undertook to have the matter discussed exhaustively and ensure the process is in accordance with the EAC Treaty and the Rules of procedure, and that there was a court ruling on the matter to be followed as well.
On the need to guide whether the Covid-19 guidelines that were issued in regard to participation in Plenary still applied and the alternative of victual antecedence of the House; the Speaker guided that the restrictions had been lifted the previous week, and that virtual attendance was subject to Rule 240.
On the concurrent sittings of both standing and sectoral committees that makes Members miss out on some of the meetings of committees they belong to; the Speaker directed committees to follow the meeting schedule that had been earlier issued for standing and Sectoral Committees.
The Speaker directed the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to submit to the House an action taken report within three months on the Reports of the Committee on National Economy adopted by the House on:

  1. The Performance of the Economy as at June, 2022; and
  2. The State of Indebtedness, Grants and Guarantees as at December, 2021.
06/09/22 On the demonstration at the entrance of Parliamentary buildings by suppliers of coffee seedling and the need to bridge the information gap between Government entities and stakeholders; the Speaker directed that the responsible Minister make a statement on the matter on Wednesday, 7th September 2022.
On the increment of fees by schools against the guidance by the Ministry of Education and Sports, resulting into some children failing to report back to school; the Speaker directed the Minister of State for Education and Sports (Higher Education) to present a statement on the matter on Wednesday. 7th September 2022.
On failure by the Minister of Public Service to address the issue of gratuity to the family of the Late Charles Ekinu; the Speaker directed the Minister of Public Service to respond to the matter on Wednesday, 7th September 2022.
On a festival dubbed “Nyege Nyege” scheduled to take place in Jinja and its alleged association with purported acts of immorality and a plea for Government intervention; the Speaker directed that the event be halted.
07/09/22 On the Fisheries and Aquaculture Bill 2021, which the House passed on 3rd May 2022, and returned by H.E. the President on 18th August 2022; the Speaker referred the returned Bill to the Committee on Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, and guided that the Committee confines itself to the grounds of return and report back to the House within one (1) week.
On the supply of seedlings and increment of school fees; the Speaker directed that the Minister of Agriculture, Animal industry and Fisheries and that of Education and Sports respond to these urgent questions on Tuesday, 13th September 2022.
On the continued remand of Hon. Allan Ssewanyana, MP Makindye West and Hon. Ssegirinya Muhammad, MP Kawempe South, for one year after their arrest; the Speaker called for their expeditious trial.
08/09/22 On the suspected abduction, torture and detention of a one Jakana Nadduli, whose whereabouts remain unknown; the Speaker directed that the investigations cover the numerous abductions and plotted assassinations, including against herself.
01/11/22 On the resumption of House Sittings amidst the Ebola outbreak; the Speaker guided that:

  • the Clerk to Parliament issues a raft of Standard Operating Procedures, premised on the Minister’s advisory, to mitigate the threat of Ebola which include the following;
  • physical presence of Members in the Chamber be limited to 100 per Sitting, and the Whips accordingly notify of the numbers of their Members for each Sitting guided by numerical proportionality.   
  • virtual platforms for participation in House Sittings be utilized pursuant to the relevant rules. 
  • hand-washing/sanitizing and wearing of face masks continues to be observed at all times.
  • access to the precincts of Parliament by visitors be restricted. 
  1. Members to exercise personal responsibility and duty of care at all times.   
On the return of The Parliamentary Pensions (Amendment) Bill, 2022 and The Public Health (Amendment) Bill, 2022 by H.E. the President; the Speaker referred the returned Bills, with a directive to expeditiously process the Bills for consideration by the House on Wednesday, 2nd November 2022, as follows:

  • The Parliamentary Pensions (Amendment) Bill, 2022 to the Committee on Legal and Parliamentary Affairs
  1. The Public Health (Amendment) Bill, 2022 to the Committee on Health 
On the failure by the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to release monies appropriated by Parliament for various votes and the crippling effect this has on service delivery; the Speaker guided that the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development tables the release schedule for the approved budget for the various votes for the first two quarters of the FY 2023/24.
On the need for technological adaptation to combat crime notably, inserting GPS chips in fire-arms, CCTV cameras and biometric data capture systems; the Speaker guided on the need for a Statement from the Minister of Internal Affairs on:

  • The incident in Busiika, the status of investigations, mitigation measures adopted and precautions to forestall any further similar incidents.
  1. The fate of public surveillance cameras and their functionality.
On the unlawful attempt by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance to phase out and assimilate Vote 126; the Speaker guided that NITA-U was a creature of the National Information Technology Authority, Uganda Act, 2009 and any attempts to phase it out must follow the law.
On the looming eviction of hundreds of land owners in Bulindo, Kira Municipality; the Speaker guided that the Office of the Clerk will establish whether or not the matter is already in court before she could entertain any debate on the matter so as to forestall infringing on the sub judice rule.
On the tabled Reports of the Auditor General on the financial statements of:

  1. The National Social Security Fund for the year ended 30th June 2022
  2. The 8th UNFPA Country Programme GPECMUGA, UGA09GBV, UGA09SRH, UGA09WYP, ZZTOGUGA implemented by the Ministry of Education and Sports for the year ended 31st December 2021
  3. Report of The Auditor General On The Financial Statements Of The UNFPA funded programme UGA09GBV/PGUG12 implemented by the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development for the 9 Month Period Ended 30th September 2021
  4. The 8th UNFPA Country Programme GPECMUGA and UGA09GBV implemented by the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs for the year ended 31st December 2021
  5. The UNFPA Funded Programme Component of Data and Population Dynamics implemented by National Planning Authority for the year ended 31st December 2021
  6. UNFPA Funded Programme Component of Data and Population Dynamics implemented by Uganda Bureau of Statistics for the year ended 31st December 2021

The Speaker:

  • referred the Reports (a), (e) and (f) to the Public Accounts Committee (Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises) pursuant to Rule 181 (3) of the Rules of Procedure and (b), (c) and (d) to the Public Accounts Committee (Central Government) pursuant to Rule 174 (4) of the Rules of Procedure.
  • guided the Public Accounts Committees on the need for adherence to Article 163(5) of the Constitution that requires Parliament to consider reports of the Auditor General within 6 months of their submission to Parliament.
02/11/22 On the denial of students the opportunity to sit their final exams by school authorities due to failure to offset their school fees obligations; the Speaker guided that school authorities should not bar defaulting students from sitting their final exams. And that the Minister of Education should table copies of their circulars to that effect.
On the spike in Malaria cases in Butaleja District; the Speaker guided that Members with such critical issues should contact the relevant Ministers directly and not wait for House Sittings.
On a Statement of personal explanation by Hon. Kawalya Abubaker, MP Rubaga North, in response to an allegation made by the Minister of State for Primary Healthcare, Hon. Muhanga Margaret that he had denied the existence of Ebola; the Speaker guided that she would evaluate the veracity of the allegation.
03/11/22 On the threat of Foot and Mouth Disease in Napak and the need for urgent intervention, the Minister of State for Agriculture, Hon. Kyakulaga Fred Bwino responded to the matter, but following concerns by Members on the lapses in the Minister’s response; the Speaker guided that a substantive statement be presented on the matter on Tuesday, 8th November 2022.
On the expiry of the term of Office of the Women’s Councils and the uncertainty regarding the election of new office bearers; the Speaker directed the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs to present a Statement on the matter including a report on the utilization of the money that had been attributed for that purpose on Tuesday, 8th November 2022.
On the Annual Macroeconomic and Fiscal Performance Report for Financial Year 2021/22 tabled by the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development; the Speaker referred the report to the Budget Committee and urged Members to utilize the relevant information contained in the report in the execution of their roles.
On the Report of the Public Accounts Committee (Local Government) on the Report of the Auditor General for Financial Year 2020/2021 on 4 District Local Governments and 2 Municipal Councils, adopted by the House; the Speaker directed that on Tuesday 8th November 2022, the Minister of Local Government tables the details of funds disbursed to all Local Governments.
08/11/22 On media reports of a looming strike by Medical Interns in Government hospitals due to delayed payments, salary disparities, and other welfare issues and its ramification on health care services delivery; the Speaker directed the Minister of Health to present a Statement on the resolution of discrepancies in salaries of medical staff in public health facilities.
On the delayed response by the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs on the status and fate of Women Councils whose tenure of office had lapsed; the Speaker directed the Attorney General to further report on the utilization of funds released to the Electoral Commission for the election of Women Councils.
On the decimation of natural forests by private individuals and replacing them with commercial eucalyptus plantations and barring of locals from accessing the said forests for firewood and herbs; the Speaker directed that the Minister’s response comprehensively covers forests and wetlands in the Country.
On breach of contract by a company that was contracted by Government to extend electric power in Bughendera; the Speaker directed the Minister of Energy and Mineral Development to brief the House on the stalled contracts for extension of power to rural areas on Thursday, 10th November 2022.
09/11/22 On the National Disaster Risk Management Plan presented by the Minister of State for Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Refugees; the Speaker referred the proposal to create a vote or subvention for the Relief, Disaster Preparedness docket to the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development for consideration and report back within two weeks.
On the status of releases of the budget for the Sports Sub-Sector for the Financial Year 2022/2023 presented by the Minister of State for Finance in charge of Investment and Privatization; due to inconsistencies in the information provided, the Speaker scheduled a harmonization meeting with the Minister of Finance, the Minister of State for Sports, the Shadow Ministers for Finance, Education and Sports, Hon. Magogo Moses and National Council of Sports on Thursday, 10th November 2022 at 10.00 a.m. in the Speakers Chambers.
10/11/22 The Speaker guided the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to;

  1. Table the National Budget Framework Paper (NBFP) by the 15th day of December 2022 in line with the Parliamentary Calendar and Section 9 (5) of the Public Finance Management Act so as to enable extensive examination by Members.
  2. Ensure timely submission of the Budget for the Financial Year 2023/24 to enable timely and adequate scrutiny by the House and its Committees.
On a letter written by Kampala International University requiring students undertaking nursing and midwifery courses to undergo pregnancy tests as a precondition for sitting exams; the Speaker informed the House that the letter had since been rescinded by the management of the university.  
On the persistent arbitrary arrests and torture of civilians in Nakaseke District by security agencies, exemplified by the arrest on 8th November 2022 of 10 close relatives of former Minister, Hon. Abdul Nadduli; the Speaker undertook to convene a meeting with the Minister of Internal Affairs to discuss the matter including those previously reported by the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament.
On the status of releases of the budget for the sports sub-sector for the financial year 2022/2022; debate on the Statement culminated into a Motion by Hon. Basalirwa Asuman, MP Bugiri Municipality, to institute a Select Committee to inquire into the matter and other issues incidental there-to. 

Upon adoption of the Motion, the Speaker constituted the Membership of the Committee as follows;

1) Hon. Kanushu Laura Chairperson

2) Hon. Kayemba Geofrey Ssolo Member

3) Hon. Katalihwa Donald Member

4) Hon. Acibu Agnes Member

5) Hon. Makhoha Margaret Member

6) Hon. Isabirye Iddi Member

7) Hon. Silwany Solomon Member

15/11/22 On Government’s commitment to road safety through implementation of the existing laws and regulations; the Speaker guided the Prime Minister to present the timelines for approval of the traffic and road safety regulations on Wednesday 16th November 2022.
On the fate of Bills passed by the House over 30 days ago, yet there is no indication of a Presidential decision regarding their assent contrary to Article 91(3) of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda; the Speaker directed the Front Bench to respond to the matter on Thursday, 17th November, 2022.
On a Report on the Magnitude of Road Traffic Injuries Reporting to Public Hospitals in Uganda and the Costs of Treatment by Hon. Dr. Ayume Charles, MP Koboko Municipality; the Speaker guided that: 

  • The Prime Minister presents to the House the Road Safety and Traffic Regulations; and
  1. The Minister of Internal Affairs and the Minister of Works and Transport to present to the House a report on Government interventions to stem road carnage, on Tuesday, 22nd November 2022.
16/11/22 On the failure by the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to disburse approved budgetary allocations to MDAs and by implication eroding Parliament’s power of appropriation; the Speaker guided that the House awaits the Report of the Committee on Budget on the Performance of the Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 Budget Releases for the FY 2022/23.
On the increasing number of cases being referred to Chief Magistrate Courts yet their jurisdiction is limited to disputes whose value does not exceed fifty million shillings, leading to case backlog and the need for Government to table a Bill amending the Magistrates Court Act; the Speaker guided that the Attorney General presents a response to the House on Tuesday, 22nd November, 2022.
On the plight of 79 retired ambassadors and diplomats who have not received their retirement benefits for about three months, and the need for Government to present a Statement to the House on delays by Government to ensure timely payment of retirement benefits; the Speaker guided that Ministry of Public Service tables before the House a comprehensive list of pensioners categorized under MDAs and the outstanding arrears, on Wednesday, 23rd November 2022.
On the reckless shooting by a Police Officer, Owomugisha Crispers, of a Fuso Truck at Kulu Sub-County on Wednesday 2nd November, 2022 causing 6 fatalities and bodily harm to several other passengers; the Speaker guided that the Member liaises with the Prime Minister to address the matter.
22/11/22 On torrential rains and strong winds that ravaged parts of Mbarara District particularly areas of Kashari County North and the urgent need for emergency relief to affected communities; the Speaker guided that Ministry of Works and Transport presents a report/statement to the House on the distribution of the 6,000km road network across the country and the procurement of road units for new local governments.
On the Action Taken Report on Resolutions and Recommendations of the 11th Parliament, May 2021 to May, 2022 tabled by Rt. Hon. Prime Minister/Leader of Government Business, Nabbanja Robinah; the Speaker guided that Members would be afforded time on Thursday 24th November, 2022 to debate the Report.
23/11/22 On the allegation by Hon. Namugga Gorreth, MP Mawogola County South of attempts by the Minister of State for Health in charge of General Duties, Hon. Bangirana Anifa Kawooya, to reclaim 150 acres of wetland in Ssembabule District in which she had planted eucalyptus trees under the pretext of implementing the Parish Development Model; the Speaker guided the Chief Opposition Whip and the Government Chief Whip to convene a meeting with Hon. Namugga Gorreth and Hon. Bangirana Anifa Kawoya to resolve the matter.
01/12/22 On the deplorable state of roads in Mgahinga National Park in Kisoro District, and the need for Government to consider utilizing revenue generated directly from the Game Park for the improvement of the road network; the Speaker guided that the Ministry of Works and Transport updates the House on the tourism roads.
On the need for Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to inform and update Members of Parliament on disbursement of funds under the Parish Development Model (PDM) to ease of monitoring; the Speaker guided that the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development presents to the House a status report on the disbursement of PDM funds on Wednesday, 7th December 2022, indicating the amounts disbursed to-date, the beneficiaries, and the disbursement schedule.
On the anarchy in Ssembabule District, allegedly orchestrated by the Minister of State for Health (General Duties), Hon. Bangirana Anifa Kawooya, purportedly in furtherance of a presidential directive to create a new district out of two parishes, leading to anxiety, insecurity and arbitrary arrests and threats to life; the Speaker guided that the demarcation of the land in Ssembabule District should be halted as the matter was being investigated, and directed the Clerk to provide security for Hon. Begumisa and her family.
On floods that ravaged parts of Kasese District, submerging houses and sweeping away bridges, and the threat of a resultant crack on a massive rock; the Speaker guided that the Member furnishes the Office of the Prime Minister with a report from the District Disaster Management Committee for appropriate action to be taken.
On the irregular payment of money by the Office of the Prime Minister to a one Isejemba, to purchase his land to resettle people, which land he had not provided to-date, and the need for the Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development and the Office of the Prime Minister to resolve the matter before people were displaced; the Speaker guided that transactions on the disputed land should be halted as investigations were underway, and the Minister, Office of the President (Presidency), should visit the affected area to establish the facts, and report the findings to the House on Wednesday, 7th December 2022.
On the lack of sign language interpreters in courts of judicature countrywide, whereby courts could not enter pleas of accused persons with hearing impairments thus denying them bail, which was a gross violation of their rights; the Speaker guided that the budget for special needs in every institution should be enhanced.
On the Report, adopted by the House, of the Committee on Foreign Affairs on an oversight visit to the Uganda High Commission in London, United Kingdom; the Speaker guided that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expedites and presents to Parliament, before the budgeting process, Uganda’s Foreign Policy; and responds, in an Action Taken Report, to the issues raised and the recommendations made in the Committee Report.
17/01/23 Pursuant to Rule 145(2), on the schedule to handle the National Budget Framework Paper (NBFP) including: submission of reports of sectoral committees to the Committee on Budget by the 20th of January 2023, and approval of the NBFP by the 1st of February 2023, pursuant to Section 9(8) of the Public Finance Management Act, 2015; the Speaker directed the Committee on Budget to report on the NBFP by Wednesday, 25th January 2023 to enable extensive debate by the House.
On Article 163(5) of the Constitution that requires Parliament to pronounce itself on the Report of the Auditor General within 6 months of its tabling in the House, which is crucial for the completion of the public finance and accountability cycle, the public accounts committees, in consideration of the report of the Auditor General for the year ended 30th June 2020, had left a significant number of reports on entities outstanding, that is: 103 for PAC-COSASE, 50 for PAC-Local Government and 86 for PAC-Central Government, in breach of the Constitution; the Speaker guided that in a bid to prevent the accumulation of backlog of unconsidered reports of the Auditor General, the House would evoke the precedence set on 7th May 2021 when a Motion by Hon. Nandala Mafabi Nathan was adopted by the House, and pronounce itself on all pending reports of the Auditor General for the year ended 30th June 2021.
18/01/23 On the necessity to complete the accountability cycle, despite the fact that Public Accounts Committee-Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises (PAC)-COSASE had underperformed and only handled 4 out of 107 entities under its mandate, which was an indictment to the committee and the House; the Speaker guided that:

  • All the pending reports of the Auditor General for Financial Year 202/21 would be adopted by the House, for purposes of completing the accountability cycle; and 
  1. An audit of the work of PAC-COSASE would be undertaken.
On the eviction of 2000 people in Kakuyu in Wakiso Town Council by a one Dr. Kaggwa, cutting off people from their residences and gardens in total disregard of a court order on the same. Further, the need for the Minister of Lands, Housing and Economic Development to take interest in the matter with a view to reverse the eviction, support the affected persons to enjoy their land rights, and to enforce the court order on the matter; the Speaker directed the Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, together with the Attorney General, to take up the matter and report back to the House by Thursday, 26th January 2023.
On withdrawal of the credit line for medicines and supplies for Kilembe hospital thereby curtailing health service delivery to the population; the need for delivery of medicines and supplies to be reinstated; and for the Committee on Health to interest itself in the matter; the Speaker directed the Committee on Health to inquire into the matter and report back to the House within two weeks (by 1st February 2023).
On the threats to dismiss the staff of Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) under the guise of rationalization of government agencies, in total disregard of the recommendations of Parliament; the Speaker guided the Attorney General to, while handling matters of rationalization, take into account the report of the Adhoc Committee on Rationalization of Government Agencies.
19/01/23 On the challenges of transport and communication across the River Nile that had resulted in delays in movement and loss of lives in Moyo and Adjumani districts; and the need to expedite construction of a bridge across the Nile to ease transport between the two districts; the Speaker directed the Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, together with the Attorney General, to take up the matter and report back to the House by Wednesday 25th January 2023.
On the land wrangles in Buwekula, Mubende district, involving several families that have stayed on the impugned land since the 1930s being on the verge of eviction by a one Mafumo Paul; the Speaker directed the Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development to verify the allegations of land grabbing in greater Mubende, and report back to the House.
On the traffic hold-up and congestion by trailers at the border towns of  Busia and Malaba, leading to disruption of business, deterioration in sanitation, and risk of fire from the fuel trailers; and the need for a dry port in Busia to alleviate the problem; the Speaker guided that the matters be handled expeditiously and an action-taken report be presented to the House within two weeks (by 2nd February 2023).
On the continued invasion of Balaalo, since 2021, in parts of Northern and Eastern Uganda, the resultant insecurity in the area, and the non-adherence to the presidential directive issued on 2nd November 2021 to evacuate them; the Speaker directed the Prime Minister to present to the House a status report on the matter within two weeks (by 2nd February 2023).
01/03/23 On a statement on the status of national roads by the Minister of Works and Transport; the Speaker directed the Minister to present a comprehensive statement to the House, within two weeks, with a breakdown of the roads per region, and with proposed solutions and the way forward on the state of roads in the entire country.
14/03/23 Upon a procedural point raised by Hon. Medard Lubega Sseggona on the rationalization of government agencies and its impact on the budget process and civil service delivery; the Speaker guided that the Minister of Public Service presents to the House, on Wednesday 15th March 2023, a report on the actions taken by the Ministry of Public Service on civil servants formerly working with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, and the Rural Electrification Agency, whose operations have since closed.
15/03/23 On the destruction of infrastructure and disruption of classes at Anepmoroto Primary School in Orum Sub-County as a result of a heavy rain downpour, and the need for the Ministry of Education and Sports to provide construction materials to restore the infrastructure; the Speaker guided that Members whose constituencies were affected by similar disasters should communicate their respective concerns to the Office of the Speaker for onward transmission to the relevant Ministries for appropriate action.
Upon adoption of the Report of the Ad hoc Committee on Bujagali Tax Waiver; the Speaker directed the Clerk to communicate to the Auditor General asking him to conduct a forensic audit on Bujagali Hydropower Project, specifically on the amounts to be refunded by Bujagali Energy Limited (BEL) and the dividends owed to Government of Uganda.
21/03/23 On the concern by the Leader of the Opposition over the address of H.E. the President on the Parish Development Model (PDM) before the presentation of regional oversight reports on PDM, preempting the debate on the same; the Speaker guided that the regional oversight reports on PDM had been submitted to the Office of the Speaker, and resolutions of the same had been extracted and submitted to H.E. the President.
On the deplorable state of roads in the country due to the persistent heavy rain downpour that had rendered several roads impassable; the Speaker guided that the Minister of Works and Transport had been directed to report on the matter the following week, and urged the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to release the appropriated funds for road works.
22/03/23 On maintaining the high moral ground attained by Parliament upon the passing of The Anti-Homosexuality Bill, by decisively dealing with the mismanagement of relief items under the Office of the Prime Minister; the Speaker guided that the matter was under investigation by the Committee on Presidential Affairs, which would report to the House.
On the interpretation of the letter written by H.E. the President to Hon. Beti Kamya Turwomwe, the Inspector General of Government (IGG), dated 24th April 2022, which seemed to exempt security personnel from the declaration of their incomes, assets and liabilities to the IGG; the Speaker guided that the Attorney General would study the letter and make a response to Parliament.
On how long Government could sustain the country without its major trading partner of Kenya, amidst the anti-government protests; and where Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development derived the authority to cut Parliament’s statutory budget; the Speaker guided that:

  • A meeting would be convened on Thursday 23rd March 2023 with the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development and the Leader of the Opposition on where the Ministry derived the authority to cut Parliament’s statutory budget.
  1. The Ministers of the sectors affected by the anti-government protests in Kenya should submit to Parliament action taken reports on the matters raised by Members regarding the matter.
On the power black-outs in Amuru District that had affected the livelihood of the people; the Speaker reiterated her directive that matters of national importance should be submitted to the Office of the Speaker for transmission to the relevant Ministers for substantive responses.
On the illegal detention, torture and murder of a 75-year old man in Kasese District, whose body was later dumped at Mulago Hospital and eventually buried in the city mortuary; and the lack of a response from the Minister of Internal Affairs following the seven-day ultimatum given by the Speaker; the Speaker stated that she had received a response from the Inspector General of Police (IGP) on the matter, and she would convene a meeting on Thursday 23rd March 2023 with the Member and the Leader of the Opposition to resolve the matter.
On the Addendum No.3 to Supplementary Schedule No.1 FY 2022/23 tabled by the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development; the Speaker guided that there was need for an addendum with respect to Mulago Hospital, Uganda Heart Institute and Uganda Cancer Institute.
29/03/23 On the tumultuous political situation in Kenya, and the need for Government to update Parliament on its preparedness for the repercussions that the unrest may have on Uganda; the Speaker guided that the Prime Minister and Leader of Government Business would, on Thursday 30th March 2023, update the House:

  • On Uganda’s level of preparedness and mitigation strategies for the possible adverse effects of the ongoing political situation in Kenya; and
  1. On whether Uganda has sufficient fuel reserves.
On the failure by Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries to honor its pledge to supply seeds to farmers at the onset of the rainy season; the Speaker directed the Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries to update the House, on Thursday 30th March 2023, on the fulfillment of Government’s pledge to supply seeds and planting materials to farmers.
On the invasion by chimpanzees of the villages of Karambi-Karushwiga and Muhororo in Buyaga West, Kagadi District that had brutally attacked and killed 5 (five) children and injured several others; and the need for Government to either relocate the chimpanzees or buy the affected land from the private owner and resettle its occupants, and to compensate those affected by the ordeal; the Speaker guided that the Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities visits the affected area to assess the situation, have the chimpanzees relocated, and ensure the affected families are compensated for their loss and injury.
On the reduction in the March 2023 salaries of scientists under Uganda Prisons Service, from UGX 4 million to UGX 800,000 in disregard of the directive of H.E. the President on salaries for scientists; and the need for the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to reinstate the requisite salaries and pay the arrears arising out of the reduction; the Speaker directed the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to update the House, on Thursday 30th March 2023, on the status of payment of salaries of scientists under Uganda Prisons Service.
30/03/23 The Speaker:

  • Guided that the Minister of Education and Sports and the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development should furnish the House, on Tuesday 4th April 2023, with:
  • An update on the funds appropriated for  Akii Bua and Buhinga stadia;
  • A comprehensive infrastructural plan for all stadia in Uganda in the short, medium and long-term; and
  • Accountability for the funds released for the refurbishment of Mandela National Stadium. 
  • Constituted a team to be led by the Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Mathias Mpuuga, to visit Mandela National Stadium and report to the House on the current status and progress of works. The other team members were Hon. Paul Omara, Hon. Henry Maurice Kibalya and Hon. Christine Kaaya Nakimwero.
Arising out of a question raised by Hon. Paul Omara [Otuke County] on the outstanding gold export tax arrears; the Speaker directed the Minister of Energy and Mineral Development, in liaison with the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, to report to the House on Tuesday 4th April 2023 on the matter.
02/05/23 On the arrest of the 11 women Members of Parliament by security officers on 27th April 2023; the Speaker directed that a ministerial statement be presented to the House on Wednesday 3rd May 2023.  
03/05/23 On the failure to have medical interns deployed and remunerated; the Speaker directed that, on Thursday 4th May 2023, the Minister of Health updates the House on the payment for medical interns that has been pending for six months.
On the low staffing levels, being below 39% in health facilities in Kaberamaido, and the lack of Health Centre IIIs in several sub-counties; the Speaker directed the Ministry of Health to carry out an analysis of staffing levels of all health centres in the country.
On the low staffing levels vis-à-vis the soaring numbers of patients at Entebbe Regional Hospital, which was currently serving 6 (six) districts; the Speaker guided that the ban on recruitment of public officers should be revised to address the low staffing levels, especially in health facilities.
On the need for the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance to institute a tribunal to deal with conflicts in the media industry; and the lack of medicines in Buhweju since October 2022; the Speaker guided that the Prime Minister should follow up the delivery of medicines to all health facilities in Uganda.
On the inaction by Government following his statement to Parliament on 28th September 2022 about a one Kibalama John Bosco who was allegedly abducted and disappeared without a trace since the 2021 general elections, and others under similar circumstances; the Speaker guided that the Prime Minister presents a statement on the matter, on Thursday 4th May 2023.
04/05/23 From the statement presented by the Prime Minister on 3rd May 2023 on the incidents involving security officials and women MPs, and the brutal arrest of 11 women MPs on Thursday 27th April 2023, the Speaker directed that:

  1. The commemoration of internationally recognized days such as Women’s Day must be respected by all stakeholders.  
  2. Members of Parliament and citizens can always arrange to commemorate such days lawfully.
  3. The Minister of Internal Affairs should investigate all security personnel who were involved in the disruption of Members’ activities in their various constituencies and bring the culprits to book, and report to the House the action taken within 2 (two) weeks.
  4. The Committee on Presidential Affairs should inquire into the role of Resident District Commissioners (RDCs) in disrupting MPs’ constituency activities and/or brutalizing MPs and other persons, and report to the House within 2 (two) weeks.
  5. The Prime Minister should table in Parliament the schedule of disbursements to the various districts, of the funds meant for the commemoration of International Women’s Day, within 2 (two) weeks.
  6. The Prime Minister should table in Parliament an action taken report on the above directives within 1 (one) month. 
  7. The Attorney General should guide on the procedure of acknowledgment of letters written to the Police by Members of Parliament informing them of scheduled meetings in their constituencies.
On the lapse, on 28th April 2023, of the 45 days for consideration of the Public Service Pension Fund Bill, 2023 that was read for the 1st time on 14th March 2023 and referred to the Committee on Public Service and Local Government; the Speaker guided that, pursuant to Rule 141(2), the Chairperson of the Committee should seek additional time to conclude consideration of the Bill.
On the Agreement between the Government of Uganda (Uganda Revenue Authority) and Société Industrielle et Commerciale de Produits Alimentaires (SICPA) Uganda Limited in respect of provision of electronic verification of standards/quality services and detection of counterfeit and sub-standard products in Uganda; and on the action taken on the Bujagali Agreement on the tax waiver; the Speaker directed the Attorney General to report to the House on the same within 2 (two) weeks.
On the devasting mudslides and floods that hit parts of Kigezi and Rwenzori regions, claiming over 16 lives and leaving at least 600 people homeless; the Speaker directed the Minister in charge of relief and disaster preparedness to immediately address these issues, and report to the House on actions taken and the long-term plans to mitigate the effects of such destruction.
On the non-compliance by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Development to the Speaker’s directive made on 26th April 2023, to update the statement on taxes on gold and present a comprehensive statement to the House by Wednesday 3rd May 2023; the Speaker directed the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to report to the House on tax exemptions on gold exports within 2 (two) weeks.
10/05/23 On the need to have the law relating to the control of the sale and use of narcotic drugs in Uganda re-introduced in the House, given that the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Control) Act, 2015 was repealed by the Constitutional Court on Friday 5th May 2023; the Speaker guided that a related bill was due to be introduced by Hon. Christopher Komakech (Aruu County).
16/05/23 The Speaker guided that Government should:

  1. update the House on the Salary Review Commission; and on the status of implementation of Parliament’s pronouncement on the Uganda Police Exodus SACCO.
  2. present to the House statements on:
  • plans to rehabilitate the damaged road network in the entire country; and
  • gun violence and murders.
  1. table in the House “The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Control) Bill, 2023” for the First Reading on Thursday 18th May 2023, failure of which the House would grant leave to a Private Member to introduce the same bill.
17/05/23 On the Addendum to the Corrigenda for the Draft Budget Estimates for FY 2023/24 tabled by the Minister of State for Finance, Planning and Economic Development (General Duties), Hon. Henry Musasizi Ariganyira; the Speaker:

  • guided that the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development should commit to the House, in writing, that no further addenda to the corrigenda for the draft estimates for the FY 2023/24 would be laid before the House.
  • referred the document to the Committee on Budget, to report back to the House on Thursday 18th May 2023.  
20/06/23 On the gruesome attack on Lhubiriha Secondary School in Mpondwe, Kasese District, allegedly by the Allied Defence Forces (ADF), on Friday 16th June 2023, that resulted in the death of about 43 students; the Speaker directed the Minister of Defence and Veteran Affairs to present a statement to the House on the matter, on Wednesday 21st June 2023. 
21/06/23 On the shortage of blood in medical facilities across the country continued to pause a challenge to health care service delivery; the Speaker directed the Minister of Health to present a status update to Parliament on the plans and actions taken to remedy the blood shortage in the country.
22/06/23 On the land conflict in Ndaiga in Buyaga County, Kagadi District, that required urgent attention as expressed in the petition by the affected persons; the Speaker referred the petition to the Committee on Physical infrastructure with a directive to establish the facts on the matter and report back to the House.
On a statement on the attack on Lhubiriha Secondary School in Mpondwe, Kasese District, allegedly by the Allied Defence Forces (ADF) on Friday 16th June 2023; the Speaker directed that:

  1. A multi-sectoral ministerial statement should be presented to the House, addressing among others; the support to the survivors of the attack who were undergoing treatment; and the plans to secure schools, and to improve the security of persons and property countrywide.
  2. The Committee on Defence and Internal Affairs should visit the affected areas in Mpondwe, Kasese District, to assess the situation and report their findings to the House.
27/06/23 On the resurgence of murders in Greater Masaka, citing the killing of five members of one family that occurred on Friday 23rd June 2023 in Buwunga Sub-County, and the need to beef up security in the area; the Speaker:

  1. Directed the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Minister for Security to report to the House on the incident, and on the measures taken to restore security in Masaka and in other areas where similar incidents had occurred.
  2. Guided that opening up of police posts in rural areas should be prioritized in the current budget.
The Speaker directed all out-going Committee Chairpersons to immediately hand over offices to the in-coming Chairpersons.
On the failure by the responsible Government departments to implement the recommendations made in the joint report of the Committee on Physical Infrastructure and the Committee on Defence and Internal Affairs on the implementation of the Intelligence Transport Monitoring System, that was adopted by the House on 23rd May 2023; the Speaker directed the Minister of Security to submit to the House the harmonised position of the two reports.
On the reduction of police posts that had resulted in increased crime rate, and the need for the Minister of Security to explain this phenomenon; the Speaker guided that Government should consider recruiting additional police personnel to guarantee security countrywide.
On the need to have the Report of the Committee on Government Assurances on Cities, which had been submitted to the Office of the Clerk, presented to the House; the Speaker directed the Clerk to schedule the report for presentation to the House. 
29/06/23 The Speaker directed accountability committees to have their reports on the Auditor General’s reports ready for consideration by the House during the first week of July 2023, in compliance with the requirement to report within six months.
On the high rate of failure in schools for children with special needs, and the need to clarify Government’s plans to address the problem; and on the current status of ownership of Mbale School for the Deaf; the Speaker directed the Minister of State for Education and Sports (Sports) to respond to the issues raised, including – the availability of facilities in schools to ease access for persons with disabilities, and the requirement for pre-primary and primary school children to report to school as early as 5.00 a.m.
On the power outage in Nakaseke that affected Eid Al Adha celebrations, the media report that the Minster of Energy and Mineral Development signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to sell power to South Sudan, and the need for the Agreement to be tabled before the House; and on the need for Government to provide an adequate budget to transmit power from points of generation to the consumers; the Speaker directed the Minister of Energy and Mineral Development to report to the House on the issues raised, and to have the Agreement alluded to, tabled in the House.
On the poor state of roads and misuse of the Uganda shillings one billion given to districts for roads, and the need to have the funds channelled through the Road Fund; the Speaker guided that the funds were appropriately allocated to the district local governments, and it was incumbent upon Members of Parliament to follow up their proper utilization.
11/07/23 On the need to review Rule 45 of the Rules of Procedure to afford Members more opportunities to raise matters of national importance through questions for oral answer; the Speaker guided that the Committee on Rules and Privileges should review the Rules of Procedure and make proposals on how Members can raise more matters of national importance regarding their constituencies.
12/07/223 On the Report of the Committee on Public Accounts (Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises) on the Report of the Auditor General on the Financial Statements of the Higher Education Students Financing Board for Financial Year Ended 30th June 2022 and other matters; the Speaker guided that:

  • An audit should be carried out on the recovery of funds on the HESFB loan scheme.
  • A treasury memorandum on the report should be presented to the House within two weeks.
  • Ministry of Education and Sports should:
  • Tailor the criteria for selecting beneficiaries of the HESFB loan scheme to prioritize the needy students through a district quota system with a strict monitoring mechanism.
  • Present an action taken report to the House.
13/07/23 On the resolutions made on immediate, medium term and long term road safety interventions, during a meeting on road safety involving the Minister of Works and Transport, the Executive Director of Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA), the Government Chief Whip, the Leader of the Opposition, the Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Uganda Police Force, the Chairperson of the Committee on Infrastructure, the Chairperson of the Parliamentary Forum on Road Safety, and the Shadow Minister for Works; the Speaker directed that:

  • Monthly meetings shall be held for review and updates on the resolutions made.
  1. The Minister of Works and Transport shall furnish the House with a quarterly update on the actions taken to stem road and marine accidents
On a petition presented to the Speaker on Wednesday 12th July 2023, about an officer from Uganda Prisons Services who was cutting trees, burning and selling charcoal, on Aswa Government Ranch in Pader District; the Speaker guided that a joint statement by the Minister of Water and Environment, the Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, and the Minister of Lands, Housing and Economic Development, should be presented to the House, within three weeks, on the following:

  • The degazetting of Gunda Forest Reserve, as raised by Hon. Betty Ethel Naluyima (DWR-Wakiso) on 4th July 2023; 
  • The degazetting of Namyoya Forest Reserve in Mukono, and the bearers of the land titles;
  • The status of Gulu University land; and 
  1. The status on protected species.
18/07/23 On the formulation of regulations to aid the attainment of objectives of laws, and cited The Roads Act, 2019 which was without attendant regulations to aid its enforcement; the Speaker tasked the Attorney General to appraise the various laws passed in the recent past and ensure that the requisite regulations are duly formulated.  
On the road accident along the Kagadi-Kyenjojo-Fort Portal road, and the need for an emergency response system in the area, the Ministry of Works and Transport to redesign the road and remove the blind spot on that road, and Government to assist the affected families with burial expenses; the Speaker guided that Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) should redesign the road to prevent further road carnage, and requested Government to consider assisting the bereaved families.
On the effects of the court judgments that lacked jurisdiction, which were being made by Local Councils whose term of office lapsed, in light of The Local Council Courts Act, 2006; the Speaker guided that the Attorney General should respond to the matter on Thursday 20th July 2023.
On the need for a report on the 10th Edition of the East African Community Inter-Parliamentary Games that were held in Juba, Republic of South Sudan, in December 2022; the Speaker guided that a report should be presented, and the medals and trophies awarded to the Parliament of Uganda team tabled, on Thursday 20th July 2023.
On the increasing road carnage, and the need for the Minister of Works and Transport to update the House on the status of the feasibility study and upgrade of Tororo-Nagongera-Busolwe road; the Speaker guided that the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development should confirm if funds were released to Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) for the purpose and update the House on the status of the road.
On the need for the Ministry of Works and Transport to present to the House the guidelines for the Uganda shillings one billion given to district local governments for roads; the Speaker directed the Ministry of Works and Transport to table the guidelines in the House on Wednesday 19th July 2023.
On the delay in releasing funds approved by Parliament for road units in new districts; and the need for the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to prioritize them in the current Financial Year; the Speaker guided that the Minister of Works and Transport should present to the House a status report on the funds which have been released for road units, the outstanding balance, which districts have benefitted, and those pending.
On the need for the Minister of Defence and Veteran Affairs to clarify his information to the public that part of the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) would be constituted into private guards for hire, an act that was deemed to denigrate the sanctity of the national army, and under which law that was being done; the Speaker directed the Minister of Defence and Veteran Affairs to present a response to the House on the matter, on Wednesday 19th July 2023.
19/07/23 On the response by the Leader of the Opposition to the State of the Nation Address delivered by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Uganda on Wednesday 7th June 2023, the Speaker guided that the Executive should respond to the specific human rights issues raised.
On the notice of industrial action by health workers on account of failure to pay medical interns, and the need for an urgent response from Government; raised by the Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Mathias Mpuuga; the Speaker guided that a stakeholders’ meeting would be convened to resolve the matter, which would include the Prime Minister, the Minister of Health, the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, and the Leader of the Opposition, among others.
On the undertaking made by Government on 16th November 2022, to handle the welfare of the bereaved family of the hospital nurse, a one Peter Baluku, who was burnt to death in a Bwera hospital ambulance; the Speaker guided that the family should be advised on the procedure of following up Government undertakings.
On the urgent need for Government to investigate the invasion of pastoralists in Apaa, and to fulfil the pledge of constructing a sugar factory in the area within three months; the Speaker guided that the Prime Minister should respond to the matter on Thursday, 20th July 2023.
On the non-compliance by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Development with the directive of the Speaker issued on 26th April 2023, to present a comprehensive statement to the House on taxes on gold; the Speaker undertook to write a letter to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Development, stating which documents should be tabled in the House.
On the consideration of “The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Control) Bill, 2023” the Speaker:

  • Noted that, pursuant to Rule 61(4), the amendments made by the Committee on Defence and Internal Affairs substantially altered the principle of the bill;
  • Returned the bill to the committee for harmonization with the Attorney General; and 
  1. Guided that the committee involves the Committee on Health in the reconsideration of the bill.
20/07/23 On several reports from Government entities on the return of unspent balances to the Consolidated Fund for Financial Year 2022/23, due to failure to utilize their budgets, which was an indictment of the planning function at various levels, and thus affected the national development aspirations; the Speaker:

  • Implored leaders and technocrats at the various levels of Government to ensure efficient and effective utilization of approved resources. 
  1. Directed the Committee on Finance, Planning and Economic Development to establish from the financial statements of the Consolidated Fund, how much was on the account on 30th June 2023, before and after the funds were returned; and to report their findings to the House within one week.
On the Election of Administrative Unit Councils (Local Council I and Local Council II); the Speaker guided that the House would adjourn sine die, pending a statement from Government on the legality of Local Councils I and II, whose term of office expired on 10th July 2023; and on the elections for new office bearers.

Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.

Podcasting operational change management inside of workflows to establish a framework. Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail. Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality to derive convergence on cross-platform integration.

Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.

Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X is on the runway heading towards a streamlined cloud solution. User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring.

Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits. Dramatically visualize customer directed convergence without revolutionary ROI.

Efficiently unleash cross-media information without cross-media value. Quickly maximize timely deliverables for real-time schemas. Dramatically maintain clicks-and-mortar solutions without functional solutions. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits.

  • Filled Style
  • Square Shape
  • Accent Color

Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.

Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X is on the runway heading towards a streamlined cloud solution. User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring.

Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.

Podcasting operational change management inside of workflows to establish a framework. Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail. Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality to derive convergence on cross-platform integration.

Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits. Dramatically visualize customer directed convergence without revolutionary ROI.

Efficiently unleash cross-media information without cross-media value. Quickly maximize timely deliverables for real-time schemas. Dramatically maintain clicks-and-mortar solutions without functional solutions. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits.

  • Outline Style
  • Rounded Shape
  • Dark Color

Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.

Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X is on the runway heading towards a streamlined cloud solution. User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring.

Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.

Podcasting operational change management inside of workflows to establish a framework. Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail. Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality to derive convergence on cross-platform integration.

Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits. Dramatically visualize customer directed convergence without revolutionary ROI.

Efficiently unleash cross-media information without cross-media value. Quickly maximize timely deliverables for real-time schemas. Dramatically maintain clicks-and-mortar solutions without functional solutions. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits.

  • Filled Style
  • Round Shape
  • Alternate Color

Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.

Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X is on the runway heading towards a streamlined cloud solution. User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring.

Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.

Podcasting operational change management inside of workflows to establish a framework. Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail. Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality to derive convergence on cross-platform integration.

Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits. Dramatically visualize customer directed convergence without revolutionary ROI.

Efficiently unleash cross-media information without cross-media value. Quickly maximize timely deliverables for real-time schemas. Dramatically maintain clicks-and-mortar solutions without functional solutions. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits.

  • Simple Style
  • Square Shape
  • Accent Color

Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.

Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X is on the runway heading towards a streamlined cloud solution. User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring.

Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.

Podcasting operational change management inside of workflows to establish a framework. Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail. Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality to derive convergence on cross-platform integration.

Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits. Dramatically visualize customer directed convergence without revolutionary ROI.

Efficiently unleash cross-media information without cross-media value. Quickly maximize timely deliverables for real-time schemas. Dramatically maintain clicks-and-mortar solutions without functional solutions. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits.

Anita Annet Among, Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda
+256 414 377 100
+256 414 377 100
Plot 16-18, Parliament Avenue / Plot 13-15, Sir Apollo Kaggwa Road
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