Anita Annet Among

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My family instilled in me the value of hard work, service and above all responsibility for our ourselves, our community and our future.

Anita Among

Welcome to my official website!

I am Anita Annet Among, serving as the Speaker of the 11th Parliament of Uganda. It is both an honour and a privilege to represent the people of Uganda in this esteemed role.

My journey in public service has been guided by a deep commitment to democracy, inclusivity, and good governance. I have had the privilege of working with dedicated colleagues, stakeholders, and citizens to address the pressing issues that shape our nation’s future.

My Vision

As Speaker, my vision is simple yet profound: to ensure that our parliament truly reflects the will and aspirations of the people. I believe in an open, transparent, and accountable government that serves all Ugandans, regardless of their background or circumstance.

Community Engagement

Connecting with communities at the grassroots level is a passion of mine. I believe that real change starts from the ground up, and I actively engage with local leaders, civil society groups, and citizens to better understand their needs and concerns.

Empowering Women and Inclusive Leadership

I am a staunch advocate for gender equality and women's empowerment. I firmly believe that when women thrive, nations prosper. Through various initiatives and policies, I work tirelessly to break down barriers and create opportunities for women to excel in every facet of society.

Get in Touch

I am eager to connect with you, the citizens of Uganda. Your ideas, feedback, and concerns are vital in shaping our nation's future. Please feel free to reach out through the provided contact information. Together, we can build a stronger, more prosperous Uganda.

PoliciesHow we can build a better Uganda together!

Case StudyOpposing Dirty Energy Infrastructure Development



Whether it’s getting petition signatures, creating thousands of citizen video appeals to send to Congress, or mobilizing supporters to hit the streets, we specialize in innovative advocacy campaigns that make waves:
  • Legislation
  • Environment
  • Political

Legislative Efforts

We’ve helped build the small-donor membership base of some of the best and biggest progressive groups through millions of one-on-one conversations with supporters across the country. We’ve been running data-driven voter outreach campaigns since 2004, including knocking on millions of doors to help elect President Obama. For every voter contact campaign, quality interactions are our top priority.


Since 2004 we’ve helped register over 2 million voters, including running targeted African-American community drives and bilingual registration campaigns on both coasts.


We place the highest priority on training our staff to be excellent organizers. We can also help train your staff or volunteers in order to make your internal outreach efforts as successful as possible.

Would you like to become one of our donors?

Would you like to become one of our donors?

Anita Annet Among, Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda
+256 414 377 100
+256 414 377 100
Plot 16-18, Parliament Avenue / Plot 13-15, Sir Apollo Kaggwa Road
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